How do you count percentage?

  • Hi all,

    This is just an example, I have a database from SSMS 2008 Express, i want to pull out info to get percentage of each animal run every week. I can get report of to view each animal, duration (Endtime-Starttime in seconds) and location (Location in color)

    declare @dow int

    declare @2SundaysAgo datetime

    declare @lastSaturday datetime

    select @dow = datepart(dw, getdate())

    select @2SundaysAgo = getdate() - (7 + (@dow - 1))

    select @lastSaturday = getdate() - (@dow) + 1

    select @2SundaysAgo = CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar(10), @2SundaysAgo, 101))

    select @lastSaturday = DATEADD(s, -1, CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar(10), @lastSaturday , 101)))

    SELECT Animal

    (DATEDIFF (SECOND, Starttime,Endtime) as Duration


    FROM Testing

    WHERE Endtime BETWEEN @2SundaysAgo AND @lastSaturday

    ORDER BY Animal

    Animal Duration Place

    cat 420761 SanJose10White

    cat 93332 SanJose10Black

    cat 893543 SanJose10Yellow

    dog 493567 Tampa10White

    dog 331875 Tampa10Black

    dog 418234 Tampa10Yellow

    dog 1304357 Dallas10Black

    rabbit 88341 Dallas10White

    rabbit 82166 Dallas10Yellow

    rabbit 76871 SanJose10White

    rabbit 48969 SanJose10Black

    rabbit 691479 SanJose10Yellow

    rabbit 23667 Tampa10White

    rabbit 61288 Tampa10Black

    rabbit 85691 Tampa10White

    zebra 336867 Dallas10Black

    zebra 336933 Dallas10White

    zebra 682156 Dallas10Brown

    zebra 394576 SanJose10Black

    zebra 206556 Tampa10Black

    zebra 778354 Tampa10Brown

    Now, how to i make a query to get report weekly but it give me percentage of each animal run like:

    cat % = total of duration for cat / ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ;

    --> like above result it should be cat % = ( (420761 + 93332+ 893543) / ( 1 * 7*24*3600)) = 2.32%

    *** Treat Sanjose10 is one place no matter it is in SanJose10White, or SanJose10Black, or SanJose10Yellow)

    dog % = total of duration for dog / ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ; like above result it should be dog % = ( (493567 + 331875 + 418234 + 1304357) / ( 2 * 7*24*3600))

    *** Treat Tampa10 is one place no matter it is in Tampa10White, or Tampa10Black, or Tampa10Yellow and Dallas10Black is one place ; 2 = (Dallas10 + Tampa10)

    rabbit % = total of duration for rabbit / ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ;

    --> like above result it should be rabbit% = ( (88341 + 82166 + 76871 + 48969 + 691479 + 23667 + 61288 + 85691 ) / ( 3 * 7*24*3600))

    *** 3 = (Dallas10 + SanJose10 + Tampa10)

    zebra % = total of duration for zebra/ ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ;

    unknown % = ( ((total of places * 7 * 24 * 3600) - (total of all duration))* 100 / (total of places * 7 * 24 * 3600))

    *** total of places is 3 = (sanJose10 + tampa10 + dallas10 )

    Thanks for replying.


  • sabercats (4/17/2012)

    *** Treat Sanjose10 is one place no matter it is in SanJose10White, or SanJose10Black, or SanJose10Yellow)

    How? Is there a master list where we can bring up SanJose10 from to be able to strip off the color names? Otherwise, because the formatting is inconsistent and we can't strip those out, this is incredibly harder then it sounds. That field should have been split into two columns, it's overloaded. One field should be SanJose10, the second field Yellow.

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  • I tried to rename all of them and if we have the list like this

    Animal Duration Place

    cat 420761 SanJose

    cat 93332 SanJose

    cat 893543 SanJose

    dog 493567 Tampa

    dog 331875 Tampa

    dog 418234 Tampa

    dog 1304357 Dallas

    rabbit 88341 Dallas

    rabbit 82166 Dallas

    rabbit 76871 SanJose

    rabbit 48969 SanJose

    rabbit 691479 SanJose

    rabbit 23667 Tampa

    rabbit 61288 Tampa

    rabbit 85691 Tampa

    zebra 336867 Dallas

    zebra 336933 Dallas

    zebra 682156 Dallas

    zebra 394576 SanJose

    zebra 206556 Tampa

    zebra 778354 Tampa

    How do i have the query to have percentage? Thanks

    cat % = total of duration for cat / ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ;

    --> like above result it should be cat % = ( (420761 + 93332+ 893543) / ( 1 * 7*24*3600)) = 2.32%

    *** Treat Sanjose is one place

    dog % = total of duration for dog / ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ; like above result it should be dog % = ( (493567 + 331875 + 418234 + 1304357) / ( 2 * 7*24*3600))

    *** Treat Tampa is one place and Tampa is one place ; 2 = (Dallas + Tampa)

    rabbit % = total of duration for rabbit / ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ;

    --> like above result it should be rabbit% = ( (88341 + 82166 + 76871 + 48969 + 691479 + 23667 + 61288 + 85691 ) / ( 3 * 7*24*3600))

    *** 3 = (Dallas + SanJose + Tampa)

    zebra % = total of duration for zebra/ ( (number of place) * 7*24*3600)) ;

    unknown % = ( ((total of places * 7 * 24 * 3600) - (total of all duration))* 100 / (total of places * 7 * 24 * 3600))

    *** total of places is 3 = (sanJose10 + tampa10 + dallas10 )

  • Try this script. You need to look at your duration figure as it appears to be more than a week. I also assumed that you use '10' to seperate the place and color.

    ;WITH CTE AS (

    SELECT Animal

    (DATEDIFF (SECOND, Starttime,Endtime) as Duration


    FROM Testing

    WHERE Endtime BETWEEN @2SundaysAgo AND @lastSaturday




    ,TotalDuration = SUM(Duration)

    ,NumOfPlace = COUNT(DISTINCT Place)

    ,Percentage = SUM(Duration)/(COUNT(DISTINCT Place) * 7 * 24 *3600 * 1.0)


    GROUP BY Animal






    ,(((COUNT(DISTINCT Place) * 7 * 24 * 3600) - SUM(Duration))* 100 / (COUNT(DISTINCT Place) * 7 * 24 * 3600))


  • If you'd like a tested answer, put the sample data in a format like the one identified in the article at the first link in my signature line below. 🙂

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  • Thanks for helping me out. It works with COUNT(DISTINCT Place).

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