How Do You Add Grouping?

  • I have a record source containing CustomerName, ContractNumber, and many descriptive fields which I want to put on a report. I have created the report, but now I want to make CustomerName a grouping variable. The kicker is that I want CustomerName separate from the detail row so that it can be wider than several columns of detail data and prints only once per group. Everything I have tried so far create CustomerName as a group within the detail row. I don't have enough page width to widen CustomerName and still get all of the other data I need on the detail row.

    Can anyone tell me how to create CustomerName as a grouping variable above the detail row and have it print only once per group of ContractNumbers.

  • Create the group.

    Rather than use the column the group created, delete the title of the group and collapse (do not delete) the column to a zero width. Put your group heading in the group row directly above the first detail field. You can merge cells in your group row if you need more horizontal space for your group heading.

    If you want the first detail field to be indented a bit to make the group stand out a bit more then go to the textbox properties dialog, Alignment tab and add between 5 and 10 points of left padding.

  • Your suggestion works well for a Table type report. Unfortunately I am using a List type report because I have specific locations on the detail line for certain data fields. What I mean is that because of the number of data fields required on the report, some of the data fields need to be located below other data fields in order to get everything on the line for a row of data.

    I tried your suggestion on the List report type without success. It is possible there is something specific for a List type report that I just don't know how to set up.

    Let me know if you have a trick to make this work.

  • Group your list. Add a table/tablix to the list. Put your group level fields in the list outside the table, put your detail inside the table.

  • Putting my detail in a Table is part of the problem. Based on my newbe understanding, a table does not allow me to locate columns anywhere within the detail row. Yes, I can reorder the columns, but if I want to have the Notes column value printed below three other column values for a given row of data, a Table does not give me that ability. I have to use a List.

    Example: I have a customer (C1) with three contracts (K1, K2, K3). Each contract has 7 fields (F1-F7) describing the contract. This is too many fields (columns) for one detail row of data on the report. I want a report that looks like the following:


    K1--------- F1-------------- F2----------------- F3---- F4--------------

    F5--------------------- F6------------------- F7------------------

    K2--------- F1-------------- F2----------------- F3---- F4--------------

    F5--------------------- F6------------------- F7------------------

    K3--------- F1-------------- F2----------------- F3---- F4--------------

    F5--------------------- F6------------------- F7------------------

    I do not want to repeat the customer name (C1) for each contract (K).

  • If you don't want to put your 5, 6, & 7 fields out horizontally (landscape on legal paper) for some reason, then right click on the detail row header on the left (gray box) and choose insert row below and add the fields there.

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