February 10, 2011 at 3:39 pm
ramksharma91 (2/10/2011)
ok i will not yell but i think before you or any buddy write at some blog you should know the problem where it all started.now i know there is a lot of books around but it is all to messy no one tells you what come first the EGG or THE Chicken (in database). so where every i start after some time its just get more messy. the way they start is very nice Like-- you create table now put some data into it then we learn DML and then all the sudden BOOM (its just an example) so u know guy like gets lost very easy...
sorry guys i don't mean to say any thing bad or be rude...
Are you self-teaching or are you taking a class?
If you're self-teaching based on books you'll need to find a book matching the thinking process you're using. It's hard to recommend any specific book without more details.
Maybe we can recommend some alternative books if you tell us the ones you didn't like.
If you're taking a class, ask your tutor for some additional material until you find the writing style that fits best.
February 10, 2011 at 4:00 pm
well most of the books are designed in rush they will they will teach you to do this but not why u should do this not that..
i mean coding should be the hard part not the GUI part but they just keep missing things...
i'm learning by my self and looking for a mentor, who loves SQL server.... i'm a kind a person until i do it my self i will not get it... i know :0
February 10, 2011 at 6:49 pm
ramksharma91 (2/10/2011)
Hi every one, i have simple yet complicated Question. Is there a way or a list to follow when you are creating a database in sql server 2008. i mean say you want to tell your company that this is the steps i will go through to make the database. you know like you build a house and you know you have to level the ground put the water pipes and electricity pipes and base of the house. hit me back with the answer please.Regards
and good luck 😉
there is and there isn't.
It depends on what part of the "building the house" concept we're talking about here. Let's say it's the "what does the floor plan of this house look like" part of the building. Then, yes, there is a very carefully laid out approach. It's called the Rules of Normalization. Depending on what approach you subscribe to there are 3, 5, or 8. I'm fine with 3 myself.
After that, you get into a much more fuzzy area. The actual building part of the "house" we're addressing here is not at all like building a modern house where you can go to the hardware store and pick up everything you need and an instruction manual and all you have to do is following the local zoning ordnances, a carpentry guide and the floor plan you designed in step one. Instead, we're still talking 18th century house construction. Each one is just a little different. This is true even if you use code generation like nHibernate. It requires an artisan to really build it well, regardless of methodology.
This is where things get hard. I don't have a set answer for you. You can hire someone, but it's not like hiring a carpenter. You have to hire a carpenter/plumber/electrician all in one. To really give you more information, I have to ask, what are you looking for? What don't you know? Who don't you know?
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
- Theodore Roosevelt
Author of:
SQL Server Execution Plans
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning
February 10, 2011 at 6:51 pm
sturner (2/10/2011)
here are the basic steps:1. requirements document
2. design specification (here is where you define database objects)
3. test plan document
4. development
5. test
6. beta release
7. final release
Everything follows step 1. some of the steps can run concurrently (like 3 - 7 ) but 1 must be done first.
usually when I have had to come in and "fix" a badly designed system it was because the requirements were never really defined. You can not design a solution if you don't understand the problem.
That's a very waterfall approach. What about agile methodologies. They can be applied to databases too.
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
- Theodore Roosevelt
Author of:
SQL Server Execution Plans
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning
February 11, 2011 at 10:20 pm
It seems as if you are looking to find an answer to solve all the issues. The answers you have gotten here are very informative and at the same time trying to be very useful in guiding you. There is no 1 perfect way... you can get best practices from within this forum from some of the best SQL knowledge that walk the planet. You can come here and get answers and solutions to situations but the one thing that none of that replaces is time in. YOU must make that decision as spoken earlier and decide when and where you are going to jump in. Trial and error ...making your own mistakes and learning is one of the best practices towards becoming a DBA...(not saying to blow up production but those in the field know what i mean). Also one thing that you can not duplicate at any level is pressure...deadlines..and systems going down and everyone looking at you to resolve it right now. At that time its AEOU (All Eyes On You) and books dont always have the answers. Remember that part of being a DBA is knowing how to get the knowledge and put it to use in those situations. Just my .02 for what its worth 😀
February 13, 2011 at 7:48 am
February 13, 2011 at 12:24 pm
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