How do select previous 18 months of data?

  • I need to do rolling date select of the previous 18 months of data, not including the current month. For example: 11/30/2004 through 04/30/2006. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

  • Take a look at the datediff function in Books Online...I think that will do what you need.


  • I was hoping for a detailed example. I would think this is common for automated jobs.

  • select col

    from table

    where date between dateadd('mm',getdate(),1) and dateadd('mm',getdate(),18)[/url]

  • This helps, but I don't see how this gets me the data for only the previous 18 full months not including the current month. In other words 11/01/2004 through 04/30/2006. I meant 11/01, not 11/30.

    Thank you

  • There may be an easier way, but this works....


    dateadd( day, 0, cast( datepart ( month, dateadd( month, -18, getdate() ) ) as varchar(2) ) +

    '/01/' + cast( datepart( year, getdate() ) as varchar(4) ) ),

    dateadd( day, -1, cast( datepart ( month, getdate() ) as varchar(2) ) +

    '/01/' + cast( datepart ( year, getdate() ) as varchar(4) ) )

    /* if the date you are comparing against includes time, you'll need to

    subtract one second from the current month */


    convert( datetime, cast( datepart ( month, dateadd( month, -18, getdate() ) ) as varchar(2) ) +

    '/01/' + cast( datepart( year, getdate() ) as varchar(4) ), 101),

    dateadd ( second, -1, convert( datetime, cast( datepart ( month, getdate() ) as varchar(2) ) +

    '/01/' + cast( datepart( year, getdate() ) as varchar(4) ), 101) )

    I would suggest using a function.

    Hope this helps.


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    Jason L. Selburg
  • where datecol >= dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, getdate()) - 18, 0)

    and datecol < dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, getdate()), 0)

  • select col

    from table

    where date between dateadd('mm',getdate(),-18) and dateadd('mm',getdate(),-1)[/url]

  • I knew there was an easier way [KH] ....


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg

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