How do I sum up YTD column?

  • If (OBJECT_ID('dbo.FIREReportsData', 'Table') Is Not Null)


    Drop Table dbo.FIREReportsData;



    If (OBJECT_ID('dbo.IncidentTypes', 'Table') Is Not Null)


    Drop Table dbo.IncidentTypes;



    Create Table [dbo].[FIREReportsData]


    [ReportQID] Int Identity(1,1) Not Null,

    [StructuralFires] Int Null,

    [Non_StructuralFires] Int Null,

    [Non_Fire_Emergencies] Int Null,

    [Fire_Alarms] Int Null,

    [Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids] Int Null,

    [AvgResponseTime] NVarChar(50) Null,

    [ALS_EngMedSvcsResp] Int Null,

    [BLS_EngMedSvcsResp] Int Null,

    [ALS_AMBSvcsResp] Int Null,

    [BLS_AMBSvcsResp] Int Null,

    [AvgRespTimeALSEngResp] NVarChar(50) Null,

    [AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp] NVarChar(50) Null,

    [AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp] NVarChar(50) Null,

    [AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp] NVarChar(50) Null,

    [NoStructInspectEd] Int Null,

    [NoStructInspectInspected] Int Null,

    [NoStructInspectInvestigated] Int Null,

    [NoHazardCodesViolIssued] Int Null,

    [NumInspected] Int Null,

    [NumIssued] Int Null,

    [Comments] NVarChar(150) Null,

    [StartDate] Date Null,

    [EndDate] Date Null,



    ReportQID Asc

    ) On [Primary]

    ) On [Primary];


    Create Table IncidentTypes


    IncidentTypeId TinyInt Not Null Identity(1, 1),

    IncidentType NVarChar(30) Not Null,

    SortOrder Int Not Null

    Constraint [Idx_IncidentTypes_SortOrder] Unique,

    Constraint [Pk_IncidentTypes_IncidentTypeId] Primary Key Clustered


    IncidentTypeId Asc

    ) On [Primary]

    ) On [Primary];


    Insert Into dbo.FIREReportsData (StructuralFires, Non_StructuralFires, Non_Fire_Emergencies,

    Fire_Alarms, Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids, AvgResponseTime, ALS_EngMedSvcsResp,

    BLS_EngMedSvcsResp, ALS_AMBSvcsResp, BLS_AMBSvcsResp, AvgRespTimeALSEngResp,

    AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp, AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp, AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp, NoStructInspectEd,

    NoStructInspectInspected, NoStructInspectInvestigated, NoHazardCodesViolIssued,

    NumInspected, NumIssued, Comments, StartDate, EndDate)

    Values (1, 1, 0, 6, 4, '6:17', 3, 1, 0, 7, 'NA', '6:16', '6:13', '12:17', 3, 10, 15, 6,

    4, 9, 'First data dump', '9/24/2009', '10/1/2009'),

    (7, 1, 2, 9, 4, '3:17', 1, 1, 0, 4, 'NA', '3:16', '6:13', '12:17', 3, 10, 15, 6, 4, 9,

    'Second data dump', '9/25/2009', '10/2/2009'),

    (7, 33, 2, 19, 4, '3:17', 11, 4, 8, 4, 'NA', '3:16', '6:13', '12:17', 3, 10, 15, 6, 4,

    9, 'Third data dump', '9/26/2009', '10/3/2009');

    Insert Into dbo.IncidentTypes (IncidentType, SortOrder)

    Values ('StructuralFires', 1),

    ('Non_StructuralFires', 2),

    ('Non_Fire_Emergencies', 3),

    ('Fire_Alarms', 4),

    ('Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids', 5),

    ('Total Fire Incidents', 6),

    ('AvgResponseTime', 7),

    ('ALS_EngMedSvcsResp', 8),

    ('BLS_EngMedSvcsResp', 9),

    ('ALS_AMBSvcsResp', 10),

    ('BLS_AMBSvcsResp', 11),

    ('AvgRespTimeALSEngResp', 12),

    ('AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp', 13),

    ('AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp', 14),

    ('AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp', 15),

    ('NoStructInspectEd', 16),

    ('NoStructInspectInspected', 17),

    ('NoStructInspectInvestigated', 18),

    ('NoHazardCodesViolIssued', 19),

    ('NumInspected', 20),

    ('NumIssued', 21),

    ('Comments', 22);


    Declare @StartDate DateTime;

    Declare @EndDate DateTime;

    Declare @ReportYear Int;

    set @StartDate = '9/26/2009';

    set @EndDate = '10/3/2009';

    -- Determine the year you are working with.

    Set @ReportYear = YEAR(@StartDate);

    -- Build the CTEs to hold your unpivoted data.

    With WeeklyReport (IncidentType, Incidents)



    Select IncidentType, Incidents



    Select ReportQID, CONVERT(NVarChar(150), StructuralFires) As [StructuralFires],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), Non_StructuralFires) As [Non_StructuralFires],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), Non_Fire_Emergencies) As [Non_Fire_Emergencies],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), Fire_Alarms) As [Fire_Alarms],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids) As [Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), (StructuralFires + Non_StructuralFires + Non_Fire_Emergencies

    + Fire_Alarms + Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids)) As [Total Fire Incidents],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), AvgResponseTime) As [AvgResponseTime],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), ALS_EngMedSvcsResp) As [ALS_EngMedSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), BLS_EngMedSvcsResp) As [BLS_EngMedSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), ALS_AMBSvcsResp) As [ALS_AMBSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), BLS_AMBSvcsResp) As [BLS_AMBSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), AvgRespTimeALSEngResp) As [AvgRespTimeALSEngResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp) As [AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp) As [AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp) As [AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), NoStructInspectEd) As [NoStructInspectEd],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), NoStructInspectInspected) As [NoStructInspectInspected],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), NoStructInspectInvestigated) As [NoStructInspectInvestigated],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), NoHazardCodesViolIssued) As [NoHazardCodesViolIssued],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), NumInspected) As [NumInspected],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), NumIssued) As [NumIssued],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), Comments) As [Comments]

    From FireReportsData

    Where (startDate = @StartDate and EndDate = @EndDate)

    ) As FireData



    Incidents For IncidentType In ([StructuralFires], [Non_StructuralFires],

    [Non_Fire_Emergencies], [Fire_Alarms],[Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids],

    [AvgResponseTime], [ALS_EngMedSvcsResp], [BLS_EngMedSvcsResp], [ALS_AMBSvcsResp],

    [BLS_AMBSvcsResp], [AvgRespTimeALSEngResp], [AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp],

    [AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp], [AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp], [NoStructInspectEd],

    [NoStructInspectInspected], [NoStructInspectInvestigated],

    [NoHazardCodesViolIssued], [NumInspected], [NumIssued], [Comments],

    [Total Fire Incidents])

    ) As FireDataUnpivot


    YtdTimeAverages (AvgResponseTime, AvgRespTimeALSEngResp, AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp,

    AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp, AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp)



    Select ISNULL(CONVERT(NVarChar(10), (AvgResponseTime / 60)) + N':'

    + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(NVarChar(2), (AvgResponseTime % 60)), 2), N'NA'),

    ISNULL(CONVERT(NVarChar(10), (AvgRespTimeALSEngResp / 60)) + N':'

    + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(NVarChar(2), (AvgRespTimeALSEngResp % 60)), 2), N'NA'),

    ISNULL(CONVERT(NVarChar(10), (AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp / 60)) + N':'

    + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(NVarChar(2), (AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp % 60)), 2), N'NA'),

    ISNULL(CONVERT(NVarChar(10), (AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp / 60)) + N':'

    + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(NVarChar(2), (AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp % 60)), 2), N'NA'),

    ISNULL(CONVERT(NVarChar(10), (AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp / 60)) + N':'

    + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(NVarChar(2), (AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp % 60)), 2), N'NA')



    Select AVG(CAST(Left(NULLIF(AvgResponseTime, N'NA'), LEN(AvgResponseTime) - 3) As Int) * 60

    + CAST(Right(NULLIF(AvgResponseTime, N'NA'), 2) As Int)) [AvgResponseTime],

    AVG(CAST(Left(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeALSEngResp, N'NA'), LEN(AvgRespTimeALSEngResp) - 3) As Int) * 60

    + CAST(Right(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeALSEngResp, N'NA'), 2) As Int)) [AvgRespTimeALSEngResp],

    AVG(CAST(Left(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp, N'NA'), LEN(AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp) - 3) As Int) * 60

    + CAST(Right(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp, N'NA'), 2) As Int)) [AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp],

    AVG(CAST(Left(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp, N'NA'), LEN(AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp) - 3) As Int) * 60

    + CAST(Right(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp, N'NA'), 2) As Int)) [AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp],

    AVG(CAST(Left(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp, N'NA'), LEN(AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp) - 3) As Int) * 60

    + CAST(Right(NULLIF(AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp, N'NA'), 2) As Int)) [AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp]

    From FireReportsData

    Where (YEAR(StartDate) = @ReportYear) And (StartDate <= @StartDate)

    ) As TimeInSeconds


    YtdReport (IncidentType, YtdIncidents)



    Select IncidentType, Incidents



    Select CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(StructuralFires)) As [StructuralFires],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(Non_StructuralFires)) As [Non_StructuralFires],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(Non_Fire_Emergencies)) As [Non_Fire_Emergencies],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(Fire_Alarms)) As [Fire_Alarms] ,

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids)) As [Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(StructuralFires + Non_StructuralFires + Non_Fire_Emergencies

    + Fire_Alarms + Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids)) As [Total Fire Incidents],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), A.AvgResponseTime) As [AvgResponseTime],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(ALS_EngMedSvcsResp)) As [ALS_EngMedSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(BLS_EngMedSvcsResp)) As [BLS_EngMedSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(ALS_AMBSvcsResp)) As [ALS_AMBSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(BLS_AMBSvcsResp)) As [BLS_AMBSvcsResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), A.AvgRespTimeALSEngResp) As [AvgRespTimeALSEngResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), A.AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp) As [AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), A.AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp) As [AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), A.AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp) As [AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(NoStructInspectEd)) As [NoStructInspectEd],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(NoStructInspectInspected)) As [NoStructInspectInspected],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(NoStructInspectInvestigated)) As [NoStructInspectInvestigated],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(NoHazardCodesViolIssued)) As [NoHazardCodesViolIssued],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(NumInspected)) As [NumInspected],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), SUM(NumIssued)) As [NumIssued],

    CONVERT(NVarChar(150), '') As [Comments]

    From FireReportsData As F

    Cross Apply YtdTimeAverages As A

    Where (YEAR(StartDate) = @ReportYear) And (StartDate <= @StartDate)

    Group By A.AvgResponseTime, A.AvgRespTimeALSEngResp, A.AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp,

    A.AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp, A.AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp

    ) As FireData



    Incidents For IncidentType In ([StructuralFires], [Non_StructuralFires],

    [Non_Fire_Emergencies], [Fire_Alarms],[Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids],

    [AvgResponseTime], [ALS_EngMedSvcsResp], [BLS_EngMedSvcsResp], [ALS_AMBSvcsResp],

    [BLS_AMBSvcsResp], [AvgRespTimeALSEngResp], [AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp],

    [AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp], [AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp], [NoStructInspectEd],

    [NoStructInspectInspected], [NoStructInspectInvestigated], [NoHazardCodesViolIssued],

    [NumInspected], [NumIssued], [Comments], [Total Fire Incidents])

    ) As FireDataUnpivot


    -- Join the weekly and monthly results based off of incident type to produce

    -- your result set.

    Select W.IncidentType, W.Incidents, Ytd.YtdIncidents

    From WeeklyReport As W

    Inner Join YtdReport As Ytd On W.IncidentType = Ytd.IncidentType

    Inner Join dbo.IncidentTypes As It On It.IncidentType = W.IncidentType

    Order By It.SortOrder;


    If (OBJECT_ID('dbo.FIREReportsData', 'Table') Is Not Null)


    Drop Table dbo.FIREReportsData;



    If (OBJECT_ID('dbo.IncidentTypes', 'Table') Is Not Null)


    Drop Table dbo.IncidentTypes;



  • It is WORKING sir!!!!!!

    I will NEVER, EVER forget this, EVER!

    Thank you, very, very much.

    Thank you K Cline. THANK YOU SIR!

    So, I can just perform the following action just ONCE, right?

    Create Table IncidentTypes


    IncidentTypeId TinyInt Not Null Identity(1, 1),

    IncidentType NVarChar(30) Not Null,

    SortOrder Int Not Null

    Constraint [Idx_IncidentTypes_SortOrder] Unique,

    Constraint [Pk_IncidentTypes_IncidentTypeId] Primary Key Clustered


    IncidentTypeId Asc

    ) On [Primary]

    ) On [Primary];


    Insert Into dbo.FIREReportsData (StructuralFires, Non_StructuralFires, Non_Fire_Emergencies,

    Fire_Alarms, Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids, AvgResponseTime, ALS_EngMedSvcsResp,

    BLS_EngMedSvcsResp, ALS_AMBSvcsResp, BLS_AMBSvcsResp, AvgRespTimeALSEngResp,

    AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp, AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp, AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp, NoStructInspectEd,

    NoStructInspectInspected, NoStructInspectInvestigated, NoHazardCodesViolIssued,

    NumInspected, NumIssued, Comments, StartDate, EndDate)

    Values (1, 1, 0, 6, 4, '6:17', 3, 1, 0, 7, 'NA', '6:16', '6:13', '12:17', 3, 10, 15, 6,

    4, 9, 'First data dump', '9/24/2009', '10/1/2009'),

    (7, 1, 2, 9, 4, '3:17', 1, 1, 0, 4, 'NA', '3:16', '6:13', '12:17', 3, 10, 15, 6, 4, 9,

    'Second data dump', '9/25/2009', '10/2/2009'),

    (7, 33, 2, 19, 4, '3:17', 11, 4, 8, 4, 'NA', '3:16', '6:13', '12:17', 3, 10, 15, 6, 4,

    9, 'Third data dump', '9/26/2009', '10/3/2009');

    Insert Into dbo.IncidentTypes (IncidentType, SortOrder)

    Values ('StructuralFires', 1),

    ('Non_StructuralFires', 2),

    ('Non_Fire_Emergencies', 3),

    ('Fire_Alarms', 4),

    ('Hazardous_MaterialsRespIncids', 5),

    ('Total Fire Incidents', 6),

    ('AvgResponseTime', 7),

    ('ALS_EngMedSvcsResp', 8),

    ('BLS_EngMedSvcsResp', 9),

    ('ALS_AMBSvcsResp', 10),

    ('BLS_AMBSvcsResp', 11),

    ('AvgRespTimeALSEngResp', 12),

    ('AvgRespTimeBLSEngResp', 13),

    ('AvgRespTimeALSAMBgResp', 14),

    ('AvgRespTimeBLSAMBResp', 15),

    ('NoStructInspectEd', 16),

    ('NoStructInspectInspected', 17),

    ('NoStructInspectInvestigated', 18),

    ('NoHazardCodesViolIssued', 19),

    ('NumInspected', 20),

    ('NumIssued', 21),

    ('Comments', 22);


    I ask before we will be using .net to create the <FORM> for inserting records into the db and I have already gotten that working.

    I just want to make sure that the new table you created and the INSERT statement can be done once on the backend and my .net will be inserting new values into FIREReportsDate only.

    and will it be too difficult add more Sub Totals should the need to do so arises?

    It is very hard to express my most sincere appreciation.

    This is definitely not easy at all.

    As you said, it turned into way too much fun in the wrong way due to all the headache I created for you.


    Many, many thanks.

    You are truly God sent.

    You are the nicest individual I have never met.

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