How do I see Space Allocated - Used via TSQL for multiple data and log files for a DB?

  • My tempdb database has 4 data files and 1 log file. I need to monitor the growth of each data and log file to make sure they don't fill up completely. The Taskpad view in SQL 2000 shows me what I am looking for however I want to be able to schedule a job that would collect the same data automatically for a certain period of time. Is there a way to collect and present that data using TSQL?

  • I believe this simple query will work:

    from db in question:

    select name, (size * 8)/1024 from sysfiles

    will give you size in MB

  • Take a look at the script on the link below. It will return a detailed analysis of all database files on a server.

    Get Server Database File Information

  • Great! Thanks for the tip. That query shows me what I'm looking to gather.

  • Hi,




  • I've tried that before and it only show me the total for all the tempdb. My tempdb has multiple files and I want to know the stats of each of the files. Thanks though.

  • Hi,

    Check this TSQL

    Declare @dbName sysname

    declare @strSQL sysname

    -- Get Databases names for Online ones.

    Declare @nextExtension Float

    Declare cDB Cursor For Select name From master..sysdatabases Where status&512=0

    Create Table #spHelpFile([DbName] sysname null,[DLFileName] sysname,fileid smallint ,[filename] nchar(240) ,[filegroup] sysname null,[Size] nvarchar(18),[MaxSize] nvarchar(18),growth nvarchar(18),usage varchar(9))

    Open cDB

    Fetch Next From cDB Into @dbName

    While @@Fetch_Status =0


    Set @strSQL = 'use ' + @dbName + ' exec sp_helpfile'

    Insert into #spHelpFile ([DLFileName],fileid,[filename],[filegroup],[Size],[MaxSize],growth,usage)


    Declare @st varchar (400)

    Set @st='Update #spHelpFile

    Set [DbName]= ''' + @dbName + ''' ,[Size]= Convert(Float,Rtrim(Ltrim(Replace([Size],''KB'','''')))),[MaxSize]=Convert(bigint,Case When [MaxSize]=''Unlimited'' Then ''0'' Else Rtrim(Ltrim(Replace([MaxSize],''KB'',''''))) End) Where [DbName] Is Null'


    Update #spHelpFile

    Set growth=Case

    When Charindex('%',growth)=0 Then Convert(Decimal(10,2),Convert(Float,Replace(growth,'KB',''))) Else (Convert(Float,Replace(growth,'%','')) * [Size])/100


    Fetch Next From cDB Into @dbName


    Close cDB

    Deallocate cDB


    substring([DbName],1,40) As [Database Name]

    ,substring([DLFileName],1,50) As [Data/Log File Name]


    When [filegroup]='PRIMARY' Then 'Data' Else 'Log'

    End As [File Type]

    ,Convert(bigint,Convert(Float,[Size])) As [Size (KB)]

    ,[MaxSize] As [MaxSize (KB)]

    ,Growth As [Next Extension]

    ,Substring([filename],1,1) As Drive



    Drop table #spHelpFile



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