How do I reference columns in a table variable?

  • Disregard.

  • Why did you say to disregard?  Did you figure out how to do this?

  • I was overcomplicating it.  I ended up using a user-defined function that returned a table, and calling that from within a cursor.  I have an Oracle background, and so I didn't know that you can select directly from a UDF in SQL Server just as if it were a table.

  • That's interesting... I did not know that could be done either.  Any chance you could provide an example?  I use cursors all the time and would love to loop through tables and/or server names and if it means creating a UDF to make that work then that'd be great.  Thanks for replying btw!

  • Create a function that returns a table like so:


    CREATE FUNCTION myuser.wildcard_search (@search_string varchar(50)) 



     title varchar(200),

     author_name varchar(200)



    declare @title varchar(80)

    declare @author varchar(200)

    declare @publisher varchar(200)

    declare titles cursor for

    select title

    from titles

    where title like '%' + @search_string + '%'

    open titles

    fetch next from titles into @title

    while (@@fetch_status=0)


     -- get the author and publisher name here

     --  insert into @result

     -- <some select statement here >

     fetch next from titles into @title


    close titles

    deallocate titles




    Now you can treat the above function just like a regular table, at least for SELECTing purposes:

    select distinct author_name

    from wildcard_search('the')

    Brings back all of the data associated with a title containing 'the', 'then', 'there','father', etc. (providing you complete the implementation.)

  • Ignore that emoticon, I don't know how that got in there.  Supposed to be another right-paren.

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