How do I have an INT variable default to the wildcard if NULL in a Stored Procedure..?

  • Hi - I'm trying to use the one Stored Procedure for different scenarios... I want to pass any combination of three INTeger variables and sort my search using the WHERE command accordingly. Works well when all three varaibles are specified, but I'm trying to figure out how to default to a wildcard if the variable is not passed by the EXEC command... All help very appreciated.

    Here is my Stored Procedure:

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Status_3


    @myLocationRef int,

    @myReviewerRef int =NULL,

    @myBURef int =NULL



    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tmp_sp_Status_2

    WHERE (ReviewerRef = @myReviewerRef) AND (BURef = @myBURef) AND (LocationRef = @myLocationRef)



  • I can't test this yet but I should be able to soon. It appears that @myLocationRef is required to be passed. If it isn't you can use the same logic as the other 2 columns.

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Status_3


    @myLocationRef int,

    @myReviewerRef int =NULL,

    @myBURef int =NULL



    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tmp_sp_Status_2

    WHERE (ReviewerRef = isnull(@myReviewerRef,ReviewRef))

    AND (BURef = isnull(@myBURef,BURef))

    AND (LocationRef = @myLocationRef)

  • Short answer:

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Status_3


    @myLocationRef int,

    @myReviewerRef int =NULL,

    @myBURef int =NULL



    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tmp_sp_Status_2

    WHERE (ReviewerRef = COALESCE(@myReviewerRef,ReviewerRef)) AND (BURef = COALESCE(@myBURef, BURef)) AND (LocationRef = @myLocationRef)

    Long answer:

    This code works, but it is not designed to perform well. There's a problem with cached execution plans that can't be ignored.

    To see the whole picture I suggest you take a look at this blog:

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Matt / Gialuca / Ian:

    Thanks for your very prompt responses.

    In particular I have looked at the two articles identified by Gialuca and Ian and though tempted by the DynamicSQL option (see Search_Orders_2 in first article) I am sold on the idea of maintaining seperate stored procedures:

    In my particular case I only have three seperate combinations of parameters being null (or not) and like keeping with an optimsed / stable plan to keep the speed up: I have a 'need for speed' and seperate procedures is a small price to pay.

    'Long Answer' wins this one 🙂

    Thanks !


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