how do i get the row count for a particular record with the same name.

  • Hi All,

    I want to display records with the count of each record based on the name .can anyone help me with this??

    I have data some thing like :





    i want display the output as:

    name-------------code----------status----- recordcount



  • GROUP BY 😀 look it up

    Select columns , count(column) from tb

    where something

    group by columns

    -- optional having clause to filter

  • select name, code, status, COUNT(*) "rowcount" from tablename group by Name,code,status

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • It depends on what you mean by "count of each record based on the name". Using a GROUP BY is going to give you a unique count on the combination of name, code and status. If you wanted a unique count by name only, you could do something like this (left GROUP BY in so you could see difference):

    DECLARE @tbl TABLE (

    name CHAR(3)

    , code CHAR(1)

    , [status] CHAR(1)


    INSERT INTO @tbl (name, code, [status]) VALUES ('AAA','1','y'), ('AAA','1','y'), ('AAA','1','n'),('BBB','2','y')

    SELECT name, code, [status], COUNT(*) FROM @tbl GROUP BY name, code, [status];

    WITH tbl_CTE (name, code, [status], GroupCount)

    AS (SELECT name, code, [status], COUNT(name) AS GroupCount FROM @tbl GROUP BY name, code, [status]), t1.code, t1.[status], t2.GroupCount AS RecordCount

    FROMtbl_CTE t1

    INNER JOIN (SELECT name, SUM(GroupCount) as GroupCount FROM tbl_CTE GROUP BY name) t2

    ON =

    Make sense?

    - Nate


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