How do I do this in SQL Server please........

  • Ok, I have a module in Access that cycles through a loop 'x' No of times, rewriting and executing a piece of SQL. What I would really like is for this to run on the server in a stored procedure. But alas the correct syntax and structure escapes me.

    Here's the VB


    Sub MdlFitterDetails()

    Dim IntCertNo As Integer

    Dim MyTableClear As String

    Dim MySql As String

    Dim SqlAudIdx As String

    Dim sqlprojName As String

    'turn of warnings

    DoCmd.SetWarnings False

    'clear destination table

    MyTableClear = "delete * from dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals"

    DoCmd.RunSQL (MyTableClear)

    IntCertNo = 1

    'write fitter details where available

    For x = 1 To 11 'covers all ten types with one spare at time of writing

    'build statement

    MySql = "INSERT INTO dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals "

    MySql = MySql & "SELECT dbo_GR_tbl_Register.FitterFirstNm, dbo_GR_tbl_Register.FitterLastNm, dbo_GR_tbl_Register.CORGI_RegNo, dbo_GR_tbl_Register.CORGI_cardSNo, dbo_GR_tbl_Register.CORGI_ExpiryDt, dbo_GR_tbl_Register.CertType" & IntCertNo & " AS Certificate, dbo_GR_tbl_Register.Expiry" & IntCertNo & " AS Expiry FROM dbo_GR_tbl_Register WHERE (((dbo_GR_tbl_Register.certtype" & IntCertNo & ") is not null) AND nolongerreq =0);"

    'increment counter for next loop

    If x < 11 Then

    'Debug.Print IntCertNo

    IntCertNo = IntCertNo + 1


    End If

    'execute sql statement

    'MsgBox MySql

    DoCmd.RunSQL (MySql)

    'round we go again


    'warnings back on

    DoCmd.SetWarnings True

    'job done

    End Sub


    So it does CertType1 and Expiry1, then CertType2 and Expiry2 ..... etc ....

    Im sure that some of you are looking at this and thinking .... yeah its easy you n00b  .. but, please help. This is driving me nuts!



  • Fisrt things First. You should look into changing such design ( if you can of course) Because it complicates all operations and makes possible a ton of inconsistensies!!

    Second. Well, You can use Dynamic sql to accomplish all that. Which is very similar to what you have! It would have been nice to have the definition of the table :dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals though

    here is a go:

    create procedure  MdlFitterDetails



    declare @STR varchar(8000)

    set @STR = 'INSERT INTO dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals '

    select @STR = @STR  +  'SELECT dbo_GR_tbl_Register.FitterFirstNm,





            dbo_GR_tbl_Register.CertType'+ cast(number as varchar(2)) +' AS Certificate,

            dbo_GR_tbl_Register.Expiry'+ cast(number as varchar(2)) +' AS Expiry

    FROM dbo_GR_tbl_Register

    WHERE (((dbo_GR_tbl_Register.certtype'+ cast(number as varchar(2)) +') is not null)

          AND nolongerreq =0);' + char(13)+ Char(10) + (case when number  <10 then 'union all  ' + char(13)+ Char(10) else '' end)

    from master..spt_values where number between 1 and 10 and type = 'P'

    -- execute now

    delete from  dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals

    exec ( @STR )



    * Noel

  • Here's another...

    Create Procedure myProc


    Declare @IntCertNo As Int

    --first clear table


    delete from dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals


    Set @IntCertNo = 1 --initialise

    --write fitter details where available

    While @IntCertNo < 11 --covers all ten types with one spare at time of writing


    --build statement

    EXEC ('INSERT INTO dbo_GR_tbl_FitterQuals

    SELECT dbo_GR_tbl_Register.FitterFirstNm,





    dbo_GR_tbl_Register.CertType' + @IntCertNo + ' AS Certificate,

    dbo_GR_tbl_Register.Expiry' + @IntCertNo + ' AS Expiry



    WHERE (dbo_GR_tbl_Register.certtype' + @IntCertNo + ' is not null AND nolongerreq =0)')

    Set @IntCertNo = @IntCertNo + 1--increment counter


    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Brilliant !

    Thanks for the quick response. I am now back home (could remote access but, contrary to my employers beliefs, I have a life) I will test this soon and post back here when I'm done.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Folks,

    I went with the second example, and after a few minor changes had it up and running in about 5 mins.

    Here is what I ended up with......


    CREATE Procedure sp_GR_Quals


    Declare @IntCertNo As Int

    --first clear table


    delete from GR_tbl_FitterQuals


    Set @IntCertNo = 1 --initialise

    --write fitter details where available

    While @IntCertNo < 11 --covers all ten types with one spare at time of writing


    --build statement

    EXEC ('INSERT INTO [Innovations].[dbo].[GR_tbl_FitterQuals]([FitterFirstNm], [FitterLastNm], [CORGI_RegNo], [CORGI_cardSNo], [CORGI_ExpiryDt], [Certificate], [Expiry] )

    SELECT GR_tbl_Register.FitterFirstNm,





    GR_tbl_Register.CertType' + @IntCertNo + ' AS Certificate,

    GR_tbl_Register.Expiry' + @IntCertNo + ' AS Expiry



    WHERE (GR_tbl_Register.certtype' + @IntCertNo + ' is not null AND nolongerreq =0)')

    Set @IntCertNo = @IntCertNo + 1 --increment counter





    Thanks again for your speedy response, much appreciated.

  • oh good - always nice to get feedback!

    as for "speedy response" - I must tell you that on this site people "fight" with each other to get their responses in you picked a good one!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • With Black eye, and scars to prove it

  • Yeah, he picked the slower one <pun intended>



    * Noel

  • Well this is really really gonna upset you then. Because I picked the one i felt had paid the closest attention to the original.

    /me hides in the corner and waits fer the fight to start

  • Tony,

    I was just joking with sushila! You are free to choose which ever script you like best ..... for whatever reason


    * Noel

  • Awwww, thats no fun .... where's the flying fists?


    Seriously tho, thanks to both of you. Following the posts after my feedback, I was just trying to stir up a bit of fun.

  • OK here you go:

    * Noel

  • what a shame work kept me from jumping in on the fray...who knows Tony - you might have even seen some blood....

    noel - I would NEVER fight with you - am learning too much from you to do that...I also sent you a pm about another soul that needs rescuing from the razor sharp tongue of J.C! - you have now become the official "knight in shining armour" of this site...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • you have now become the official "knight in shining armour" of this site...

    I don't mind telling the truth to anyone that deserve it but "some people" are just  plain deaf  ( or play it  like that )


    * Noel

  • TonyDA67RR has a procedure in Access and he find a problem of this, not in T-SQL syntax. So why using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement here ?

    We can do these:

    - In MySql string value, leave out the ";" in the end

    - Let change DoCmd.RunSQL (MySql) with CurrentDB.Execute MySql

    - And remove DoCmd.SetWarning's

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