How do i add a carriage return in VBScript?


    I'm querying a database and creating a textfile destination.  instead of printing the entire row and changing to the new row on carriage return, i want to do a CR after each column of data.  I'm assuming i have to do it as ascii, just not quite sure how.  Any ideas?


  • OK, insert standard disclaimer about what you need this for and this not necessarily being the best solution..., but, I have done this in the past:

    select a + char(13) + char(10) --carriage return & line feed


    if character data, or convert to character and add CRLF, or insert a column between each:

    select a, char(13)+char(10), b, char(13)+char(10)

    Or use BCP and specify, or probably 10 other klugy things...

  • Generally speaking, a carriage return in VBScript i vbCrLf, ex.:

    WScript.Echo "Hello" & vbCrLf & "World"




    I do hope this very short and general answer is somehow usefull.

    /Niels Grove-Rasmussen

  • Thank you, gentlemen... both solutions worked for me. 

    Appreciate that information.



  • Ok, i have a new question... i'm using this ActiveX script in the DTS package to basically build a template report in a TXT file that can be generated automatically.  right now i'm just pulling in 3 columns from the DB.  When i try outputting those 3 columns to the Text file though, i am obviously doing something wrong because it looks incredibly wrong.  I've take the SAME data to another table in SQL server and it transforms just fine.  What am i missing?  Here's what i'm doing in my script:

    Function Main()

     dim sCustomer, sStatus, sHEAT

     sCustomer = "Account : " & DTSSource("Customer")  & vbCrLf

     sStatus = "Status : " & DTSSource("Status")  & vbCrLf

     sHEAT = "HEAT Ticket : " & DTSSource("HEAT")  & vbCrLf


    ' MsgBox ( sCustomer )

    ' MsgBox ( sHEAT )

    ' MsgBox ( sStatus )

     DTSDestination("Customer") = sCustomer

     DTSDestination("Status") = sStatus

     DTSDestination("HEAT") = sHeat

     Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

    End Function

    Pretty straight forward, right?  But instead of getting 3 rows of data, which is what i would expect, i get the following:

    Account : CIBC

             Status : THEAT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

    It basically looks like a bunch of extra data, but i've tried trimming the fields, etc, and get the same results.  I assume I am just missing something about setting up text files for output?

    Any ideas or help are appreciated.


  • 'i am making a few assumptions about what you are doing here:

    'here is what i would suggest (and should work with no problems when outputting to a text file):

    'you can make it fancier by having the output file name 'dynamic', checking to see if the file exists first, etc

    Dim fso '--file scripting object

    Dim fout '--a text file

    Dim rs

    Dim cnn1 '--connection

    Dim sql 'sql string, etc

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set fout1 = fso.CreateTextFile("c:/test.txt")

    Set cnn1 = CreateObject("adodb.Connection")

    Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

    cnn1.connectionstring = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=XXdbname;Data Source=XXservername"

    Set rs = cnn1.execute("select Customer, Status, HEAT from XXXX_tablename_XXXX")

    'my test sql "select User_Login as Customer, User_FirstNm as Status, User_LastNm as HEAT from users"

    Do While Not rs.EOF

    sCustomer = "Account : " & rs("Customer") & vbCrLf

    sStatus = "Status : " & rs("Status") & vbCrLf

    sHEAT = "HEAT Ticket : " & rs("HEAT") & vbCrLf

    fout1.writeline sCustomer & sStatus & sHEAT

    'just in case...

    sCustomer = ""

    sStatus = ""

    sHEAT = ""




    Set rs = Nothing

    'if you are done with the conn


    Set cnn1 = Nothing

    'if you are done with the text file here too


    Set fout1 = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing

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