How Can You Lose a Job?

  • "Don't get me wrong I believe an interview should be a both ways conversation but I would never dare with the most confidence in the world to give myself a 9 ... or an 8 for that matter"

    Noel, rating yourself objectively is very difficult as you mentioned. In fact the more competent a person is the less likely he is in making an informed estimate of his/her proficiency as they generally know one or more persons (from whom they acquired their skills) that they believe are superior in some aspects of the task.

    Before going to the interview it is always a good idea to seek advice from an objective party as to your expertise. Then when asked the question of how you would rate yourself you could answer along the lines of “I am not quite sure how to answer that question I routinely perform the following task with SQL (in your case this would be a long list). and most of my previous employeers consider me to be an expert is these areas. What capabilities are you looking for? This should spark a discussion of the talents the company wants to hire and give you a chance to describe your level of expertise in those areas. Keep in mind that the interviewers perception of your abilities is more important than your perception of your abilities you just need to give him the material he needs to make the determination.

    If you would like an objective assessment of you abilities I would suggest in your case that you post the question in this forum. If you blush easily then I suggest you cover your head with a bag to keep from blinding anyone in the room when you read the results.

    Interpersonal communications is essential to a productive work environment. So who is buying the beer? 



  • "I am not quite sure how to answer that question I routinely perform the following task with SQL (in your case this would be a long list). and most of my previous employeers consider me to be an expert is these areas. What capabilities are you looking for?"

    Excellent answer! Again, this would have been a great response when I asked the question, and would have--possibly--gotten the software developer through his interview with the job intact...

    Adam Machanic

  • OMG!  I just had an image of Marland Brando in "Last Tango in Paris"...   

    (I'm sure that was not your meaning..., but lack of oxygen has made my mind sick...).   



    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • I like how you guys are bringing the Muppets into this.  The last place I worked, the last question of the interview was "What character of the Muppets do you most identify with?"   My former boss asked that in all her interviews to get a feel for someone's character.

    I personally identified with Statler and Waldorf

    I'm a bit inexperienced to be on the interviewer side of it all, but as an interviewee, I remember the tips my friends and former co-workers would give me, and I pass on those tips to my friends, who are out there now looking for jobs.  Being able to handle yourself well in an interview and represent yourself honestly seem to be the two key things (amongst other details).

  • Hmm, what if they hadn't seen the Muppets?

    Adam Machanic

  • She didn't hold it against them   I think she had back up questions as strange as that one, but I don't think she ever had to use them.

  • i found forgetting to wear pants helps on many an occation.

  • Yes starting the interview with a laugh is always helpful.

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