How can we move Visual studio 2012 packages to Visual studio 2013

  • hi, Can anyone walk through step by step?

    I get so many errors when I copy.isapc file from VS 2012 ssis project and upload existing package to VS2013. Not recognizing variables at all:(

  • komal145 (6/22/2016)

    hi, Can anyone walk through step by step?

    I get so many errors when I copy.isapc file from VS 2012 ssis project and upload existing package to VS2013. Not recognizing variables at all:(

    Have you tried opening the VS2012 solution in VS2013, rather than working with an ispac?

  • yes sir, i tried. I still run into errors. i have Google analytics SSIS source in my packge. It is not even recognised by VS.

  • komal145 (6/22/2016)

    yes sir, i tried. I still run into errors. i have Google analytics SSIS source in my packge. It is not even recognised by VS.

    As the 'Google Analytics source' is not an out-of-the-box SSIS component, I am not surprised.

    Whatever you had to do to make that component available in 2012, you need to do again, with a version that works in 2013. Then try again.

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