How can we get text only output from an SSRS report?

  • We are trying to use the Generic/Text Only print driver with SSRS 2005. After reviewing the output with a hex editor the only characters in the file are Line Feeds, and no data. It is actually a fairly complicated report, but I believe it is trying to send all the data as a graphic and of course the Generic driver cannot handle that. How can we get the non graphic data as characters instead of graphics?

  • SSRS can export a report as a .CSV file.

    If needed a .CSV file can be programmatically called and created from a website or application.

    Won't either of these methods work for you?

  • Can this be done by modifying the .rdl file used by SSRS, or does SSRS need to be told to generate the .cvs file from the main application?

  • Report Manager can export to multiple file formats, including .csv, after a report has been renederd.

    A report can also be programatically called from a website or application. I would have to fiddle with it for a while but the url to call would be something like:


    You should also be able to configure Report Manager automatically run a report output to your desired format and save it to a file share by setting up a subscription.

    Hope this helps.

  • Well we really need it printed, instead of made as a file, so that it can be sent to a printer. Is there possibly something in the .rdl file for the report dictating that is it all to be sent as a graphic? If we had the .rdl file would that be all we needed to replicate the problem here? I first need to reproduce the problem locally in order to try to fix it, since the customer in WA and I am in OK.

  • What is it exactly you are trying to do? Automatically output a report and have it print to a printer in another state?

  • We are trying to have the customer print to our printer. Our printer product will reformat the data accourding to the customers specifications, but we must recieve the print job as ASCII characters instead of as an image.

  • I am not sure I can help with this issue.

    But, I would still go back to basics. In order to print, you have to have something to print. From SSRS Report manager, you can print everything you see by using the browser print function, or you can export that report to any one of several output formats, TIFF, PDF, CSF, XLS, MHTML and a few more. Then open the exported file and print it. My question is what is the original format of the file before it is sent to the generic print driver? If they are printing a pdf or a tiff, that is probably the root of your problem, have them print one of the other available formats. If they are already starting with a text type file, they you are outside of my scope of knowledge.

    Good luck.

  • The application that is printing is Eclipsys ScriptRx that has SSRS automatically generate the print job when requested for it. So the printing in automatically being generated by the application; there is no Internet Explorer or manual report viewing/printing in the process. Their is supposedly an .rdl file for the generated report that possibly I could ask the customer for, but I wasn't sure if that would be sufficient to reproduce the problem.

  • I would think that the Eclipsys ScriptRx software would have to render the report somehow (whether the user sees it or not) in order to create a print job from it. You might want to look at how it renders the report before it creates the print job.

  • Default rendering format for the Report is HTML always in SSRS Reports.

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