how can I want to populate the rows sequentially in the destination?

  • Hi All,

    I have requirement like to populate the row by row sequentially in destination table using SSIS.

    Its look like

    Seq no col2

    1 x

    2 x

    3 x

    1 y

    2 y

    one more scenario is

    Seq no col2

    1 x

    1 y

    2 x

    2 y

    3 x

    What is the approach to get the output like above.

    Could any one please give the solution fro me as early as possible?

    its very urgent to me.



  • You just need 2 connections & 1 data flow task, within the flow task you will have source and destination components. And in the source, you select SQL command as the source and write a query that orders the data according to your requirement. That's it.


  • There is no guarantee that when viewing data from a database table that the rows will be displayed in the sequence in which they were input. You control the order in which the rows will be returned when you compose the T-SQL statement that extracts the desired data from the table, and that can be accomplished by using the ORDER BY statement.

    For a simple example:

    SELECT [Seq No], Col1, Col2 FROM mytable

    ORDER BY [Seq No], Col2

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    for further examples

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  • i have to populate record by record sequentially based on the number of times the increments on X or Y.

    For example:

    Seq no col Seq no col

    1 x or 1 x

    1 y 2 x

    2 x 1 y

    2 y 2 y

    i have to display either way in the destination table.based on the increments of a row.



  • ROW_NUMBER() is what are looking for, Check Books Online for more info..


    FROM SomeTable


  • Using:

    SELECT [Seq No], Col1, Col2 FROM mytable

    ORDER BY [Seq No], Col2

    will give you

    Seq no col2

    1 x

    1 y

    2 x

    2 y


    SELECT [Seq No], Col1, Col2 FROM mytable

    ORDER BY Col2, [Seq No]

    will give you

    Seq no col

    1 x

    2 x

    1 y

    2 y

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