How can I recognize that index is partitioned ?

  • I have stored procedure to rebuild indexs.

    Some of my tables have patritions, some don't have.

    Problem is when I try to rebuild index on partition (table with this index doesn't have partitions)

    (my function to get this index return me for this index partition number)

    ALTER INDEX @index_name ON @table_name REBUILD PARTITION = @partition_number

    I get error:

    Cannot specify partition number in the alter index statement as the index 'index_name' is not partitioned.

    How can I recognize that index is partitioned ?

  • You should be able to join up to sys.partitions on object_id,index_id and pull the partition_number.

  • -,category,Sql%20Server%202005.aspx

    CREATE view [V_partitioned_objects]


    select distinct


    index_name = i.[name],

    index_type_desc = i.type_desc,

    partition_scheme = ps.[name],

    data_space_id = ps.data_space_id,

    function_name = pf.[name],

    function_id = ps.function_id


    sys.partitions p

    inner join

    sys.indexes i on p.[object_id] = i.[object_id] and p.index_id = i.index_id

    inner join

    sys.data_spaces ds on i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id

    inner join

    sys.partition_schemes ps on ds.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id

    inner join

    sys.partition_functions pf on ps.function_id = pf.function_id

    - part from :

    How can SQL Server 2005 help me evaluate and manage indexes?

    -- SQLCAT Blog:


    declare @dbid int

    select @dbid = db_id()

    Select dbid=database_id, objectname=object_name(s.object_id)

    ,, i.index_id --, partition_number

    , row_lock_count, row_lock_wait_count

    , [block %]=cast (100.0 * row_lock_wait_count / (1 + row_lock_count) as numeric(15,2))

    , row_lock_wait_in_ms

    , [avg row lock waits in ms]=cast (1.0 * row_lock_wait_in_ms / (1 + row_lock_wait_count) as numeric(15,2))

    from sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats (@dbid, NULL, NULL, NULL) s, sys.indexes i

    where objectproperty(s.object_id,'IsUserTable') = 1

    and i.object_id = s.object_id

    and i.index_id = s.index_id

    order by row_lock_wait_count desc


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