How can I query multiple entries for false value

  • I have 3 tables, 1 containing employee details ordered by Employee number, 1 containing training courses, including course reference numbers and course descriptions, and the last table is a record of each employees training, which contains Employee number and course reference number. This last table can have multiple records for each Employee number, representing when a person has done more than one course. I can easily sort out those employees who have attended a particular course, but I am having alot of trouble trying to list staff who have not completed a particular course, due to the multiple records for each employee, testing for a course number not equal to a particular value still returns those people who have done the course, because they have other entries that satisfy the criteria. Any suggests or help would be greatly appreciated

  • How about

    select e.<FieldList> from Employees e

    where e.EmployeeId not in

    (select EmployeeId from EmployeeTraining where CourseRefNo = <CourseId&gt

    that should do the trick.



  • SELECT Emp.EmployeeNumber

    FROM tblEmployees Emp


    (SELECT EmployeeNumber FROM tblEmployeeCourse

    WHERE CourseNumber = 'XXX') EC

    ON Emp.EmployeeNumber = EC.EmployeeNumber

    WHERE EC.EmployeeNumber IS NULL

  • Thanks for the prompt replies, which have enabled me to get the result I was after. They are also much simpler than the code I was trying to write, which is always a good thing.

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