How can I parse this character string into separate records?

  • I have a query that selects a sinlge record, with a column called order_string. When I select order_id, order_string from my table, I get something like this:

    1, Bargain=1250=0D===2&Child/Senior=1175=0E===2

    I need to parse the order_string column to pull out the individual tickets, so that my result looks like this:

    1, Bargain,1250,2

    1, Child/Senior,1175,2

    Keeping in mind that the order_string could contain 1 or many individual tickets within the string. I've been trying to put together a user-defined function to do this, but so far I'm just not getting it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  • I'd use the following approach:

    Step 1: remove the string before the three equal signs (including two equal signs)

    Step 2: replace all equal signs with commas

    Step 3: call a string split function to separate the rows based on the row delimiter

    Step 4: call the string split function to separate the columns based on the comma

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  • Thanks for the reply Lutz, It helped get me down the right path. Here is what I did:

    1) created a user defined function that accepts an input field and a delimiter

    2) cross apply on the function, to split into a separate record where there is an &

    3) various string functions to split out movie name, price and quantity from each record

    Here is a basic rundown:

    The function:





    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[F_parse_string](@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1))

    returns @temptable TABLE (items varchar(8000))



    declare @idx int

    declare @slice varchar(8000)

    select @idx = 1

    if len(@String)<1 or @String is null return

    while @idx!= 0


    set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String)

    if @idx!=0

    set @slice = left(@String,@idx - 1)


    set @slice = @String


    insert into @temptable(Items) values(@slice)

    set @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @idx)

    if len(@String) = 0 break




    Thanks to for the idea for the function:

    The query:

    SELECT Left( r.items, Charindex ( ',', r.items ) - 1 )

    , Cast( Substring( r.items, Charindex ( ',', r.items ) + 1, Sum( ( Charindex ( ',', r.items, Charindex ( ',', r.items ) + 1 ) + 1 ) ) - ( Charindex ( ',', r.items ) + 2 ) ) AS NUMERIC ) * .01

    , order_total * .01

    , Right( r.items, Charindex ( ',', Reverse( r.items ) ) - 1 )

    FROM orders o

    CROSS APPLY dbo.F_parse_string ( Replace( Replace( Replace( order_tickets, '===', ',' ), '==', '=' ), '=', ',' ), '&' ) AS r

    GROUP BY r.items

    , order_total

  • please search this site for DelimitedSplit8K. It will point you to a function that will be much more efficient than your loop. The function mentioned above could be used as an inline table-valued function increasing performance even more.

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