how can i insert in udf

  • GilaMonster (4/13/2012)

    capn.hector (4/13/2012)

    Duplicate post all replies here


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • The only kind of function you can insert rows into in SQL Server is a single-table inline-table-value-function.

    Those are defined like:

    create function dbo.MyFunction (@Param datatype)

    returns table


    return (select columns from dbo.MyTable where tests);

    A function like that can be the target of any normal DML statement, including inserts, deletes and updates.

    No other type of function can.

    Therefor, you cannot do what you are trying to do. SQL Server doesn't work that way.

    I recommend either taking a class on the subject, or at least reading a basic book on it. If neither of those is a viable option, get your employer to hire a DBA or a contractor to do this sort of work instead of forcing you to do something you don't know about.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Sean Lange (4/13/2012)

    Here is how all of the threads that you have started sound.

    There were two crocodiles flying. One to the south but another one was blue.

    Question: How many seats in our local theater?

    The Right Answer: I don't need a fridge as I do not smoke.

    That is mine one! Until you are Russian of my age as well 😀

    Actually the right question should be:

    How many seats in our local CINEMA?

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • fine,i will ask them,they r not understanding as they dont know sql.

    one thing can solve my prob.

    how to calculate cumulative of any field.

    if you know let me know

  • hbtkp (4/16/2012)

    fine,i will ask them,they r not understanding as they dont know sql.

    one thing can solve my prob.

    how to calculate cumulative of any field.

    if you know let me know

    Not sure how many times we have told you thins, but I'm sure it would take more than all of our fingers and toes.

    Unless you take the time to post all the information we need to understand your problem (which if you took the 15 minutes it would take to read the first article I reference in my signature block, just click on it) we can't help you. We are not in your office with the capability of seeing what you are doing and trying to accomplish.

  • hbtkp (4/16/2012)

    one thing can solve my prob.

    how to calculate cumulative of any field.

    if you know let me know

    The SUM function perhaps? Just guessing here, it's not clear (again) what you're asking.

    Look it up in Books Online.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Eugene Elutin (4/16/2012)

    Sean Lange (4/13/2012)

    Here is how all of the threads that you have started sound.

    There were two crocodiles flying. One to the south but another one was blue.

    Question: How many seats in our local theater?

    The Right Answer: I don't need a fridge as I do not smoke.

    That is mine one! Until you are Russian of my age as well 😀

    Actually the right question should be:

    How many seats in our local CINEMA?

    I was hoping that whoever I got this from would come forward. I will correct the verbiage to cinema and make sure I give you credit (now that I know who is belongs to). That is one the funniest things about a question/answer I have ever read. 😀


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • MAY BE U CAN understand by this



    2.78 2.78

    1.01 3.82

    2.07 5.97

    1.71 7.78

    2.21 10.16

    0.23 10.41

    0.69 11.17

    -0.01 11.16

    -1.70 9.27

    5.51 15.29

    -2.47 12.44

    -4.28 7.63

    2.97 10.82

    -2.50 8.06

    2.38 10.62


    its not sum

  • hbtkp (4/16/2012)

    MAY BE U CAN understand by this



    2.78 2.78

    1.01 3.82

    2.07 5.97

    1.71 7.78

    2.21 10.16

    0.23 10.41

    0.69 11.17

    -0.01 11.16

    -1.70 9.27

    5.51 15.29

    -2.47 12.44

    -4.28 7.63

    2.97 10.82

    -2.50 8.06

    2.38 10.62


    its not sum

    WOW...just wow. You are the most stubborn person I have ever met about providing information to the people who are trying to help you.

    Solving the Running Total and Ordinal Rank Problems (Rewritten)[/url]


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • hbtkp (4/16/2012)

    MAY BE U CAN understand by this



    2.78 2.78

    1.01 3.82

    2.07 5.97

    1.71 7.78

    2.21 10.16

    0.23 10.41

    0.69 11.17

    -0.01 11.16

    -1.70 9.27

    5.51 15.29

    -2.47 12.44

    -4.28 7.63

    2.97 10.82

    -2.50 8.06

    2.38 10.62


    its not sum

    That is called a running total. Still don't have the information needed to help you. You know, DDL for the table(s), sample data to load into the tables, expected results based on the sample data, and the code you have written in an effort to solve your own problem.

    And by the way, your math is off.

  • it snot running total,if you see it carefully,

    its not just adding values. sometimes its adding 1 ,sometimes it minus 1

  • hbtkp (4/16/2012)

    it snot running total,if you see it carefully,

    its not just adding values. sometimes its adding 1 ,sometimes it minus 1

    Really, then show us how the calculation is being made. You aren't giving us the information we need to help you. Do you really not understand that? we can't see what you are doing, we can't read your mind. If you really want help from us, you have to help us first. Help us understand your problem. Give us the information we keep asking from you so that we can help you.

  • agai my req has change

    now i need to calculate maximum date and put it into local variable

  • Good for you! It is easy now. Here is an answer:

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • hbtkp (4/16/2012)

    agai my req has change

    now i need to calculate maximum date and put it into local variable

    Your requirements may have changed, but ours hasn't. Following the link in the post above and do what it says to do.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 85 total)

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