How Can I Get a List of the Fields in a Table?


    i need to generate a list of the field names in a table, with or without properties (that's not important), so that i can copy, paste, and sort the list. 

    as far as i can tell, this is not doable via the design mode of the table.  there must be a command that will return such a list.  right?



  • select cast( as char(30)) as TableName, sc.colorder, as ColumnName

    from sysobjects so, syscolumns sc

    where =

    and so.type = 'u' 

    and = 'batchheader'

    order by, sc.number



    i put the table name in place of TableName in your code; but I'm getting an empty set when I run the code.  how else do i need to modify the code?



  • Deek, The above worked for me, but if your "TableName" is actually a VIEW or not a "Table", the so.type = 'u' is limiting your results. Try and so.type = 'v' or and so.type like '[uv]'.

    If you are in Query Analy., and just want a comma deli column list, open the object browser, navigate to the table you are interesed in, Expand it's [tree], then drag it's "Columns" into your code, not each column, the word "Columns" itself.


    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Sorry, you need to expand the "Columns" prior to dragging it.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together


    Okay, I did get the desired result using the Object Browser/ drag 'Columns' method.  Thank you.


    Incidentally, though, I'd like to know why the code did not generate the desired result.  The TableName was indeed a table in the same database I was working in, a database to which I am the owner.  I tried the '[uv]', and also I tried it with other tables; and each time I get an empty set. 

    For example, when I tried to run this on a table called 'SnapshotNbsMsMsALL', the result was an empty set of 3 columns, which read:

    SnapshotNbsMsMsALL     colorder    ColumnName


    any tips on how to rectify?




  • The ANSI schema views work pretty well for this sort of thing...

    SELECT Column_Name

    FROM Information_Schema.Columns

    WHERE Table_Name = 'SnapshotNbsMsMsALL'

    ORDER BY Ordinal_Position


  • In Query Analyzer, type:



  • I go into Ent Mgr, highlight all of the rows of column info, then paste into Excel.  Seems to work well if you're just using this info on-the-fly.  You even get a column that shows the primary key info.  Of course if you have to do this programmatically or have some end-use in mind, this may not be the best solution.

  • I would stay away from querying the system tables, when there is another solution at hand. Use Jonathan's suggestion, that's what the INFORMATION_SCHEMA stuff is for.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • And in QA, you can always use sp_help <tablename>.


  • Here's a quick little script I use.  I was trying to emulate the Oracle DESC <table> command.



               when 1 then  left(TABLE_NAME, 25)

               else ' '

           end                               'Table Name',

           left(COLUMN_NAME, 25)             'Column Name',

           left(DATA_TYPE, 15)               'Data Type',

           CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH          'Length',

           case IS_NULLABLE

               when 'Yes' then 'NULL'

               else            'NOT NULL'

           end                            As 'Null',

           COLUMN_DEFAULT                    'Default Value'


    where TABLE_NAME in (select

                         from sysobjects o

                         where o.type ='U')


    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • In Query Analyser type Exec SP_Help tablename . You may have problems if your owner is not DBO, as SP_Help does not let you prefix the table name with an owner. If this is the case you need to log on as the owner I believe to overcome this.

  • The simplest solution to getting a simple list of fields is to run the following sql in query analyzer with the output set to comma delimited text.

    select * from tablename where 1 = -1

    You can now copy the field names from the results and paste in excel and split into columns and sort as you desire.

    Stephen Marais
    Integration Architect
    Digiata Technologies

  • Here is a script I use to get a little more detailed information about a given table:

    declare @TableName varchar(40)

    set @TableName = 'TABLENAME'

    select distinct

    ServerName = @@ServerName,

    DBName = db_name(),


    ColumnName, as DataType,

    DataLength = cast(sc.length as varchar(4))+' bytes',


    from sysobjects so

    join syscolumns sc

    on =

    join systypes st

    on sc.xtype = st.xtype

    where so.type = 'u'

    and = @TableName

    order by,sc.colid

    Actually, I use this in a cursor to get complete table structures for a given database.  I run the cursor against all databases on a server, a simple select on master..sysdatabases, and save the info in a utility table.  I do this for all of my servers, 37 currently and growing, to keep up with any modifications.   I do much the same with indexes.  I have found many duplicate indexes doing so. 

    Good Luck


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