how can i do this -EXEC IN

  • need help how can i do this ???


    DECLARE @mh-2 [varchar](10)

    DECLARE @mha[varchar](50 )

    set @mh-2='1,2,3'

    set @mha='(where mhlkot.mhlka_id IN (@mh))'

    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.SilokE.Fname,, dbo.mhlkot.mhlka, dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id

    FROM dbo.SilokE INNER JOIN

    dbo.mhlkot ON dbo.SilokE.mhlka = dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id

    exec ('@mha')





    @sqlCmd NVARCHAR(1000),

    @mh-2 VARCHAR(10),

    @mha VARCHAR(50)

    SET @mh-2 = '1,2,3'

    SET @mha = 'WHERE mhlkot.mhlka_id IN (' + @mh-2 + ')'

    SET @sqlCmd = N'SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT' +

    ' dbo.SolokE.Fname,,' +

    ' dbo.mhlkot.mhlka, dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id' +

    ' FROM dbo.SilokE INNER JOIN dbo.mhlkot ON dbo.SilokE.mhlka = dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id' + @mha

    sp_executesql @sqlCmd

    There may be typoes here...


    Edited by - guarddata on 09/30/2003 3:44:53 PM

  • thnks but i get an error


    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 11

    Line 11: Incorrect syntax near 'sp_executesql'.



  • Assuming you are in Sql2000, you will need the line to read

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlCmd. I always forget EXEC in front

    If you are in Sql 7.0, you may need EXECUTE( @sqlCmd)


  • still an error


    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'mhlkot'.




  • Pardon me

    it is ok the code




  • Looks like the first column was names Solok instead of Silok...

    Just for curiosity - how many rows are in SilokE and mhlkot?


  • ok


    in siloke =(59 row(s) affected)

    and in

    mhlkot= (10 row(s) affected)



  • watch this it work like this !!!



    @sqlCmd NVARCHAR(1000),

    @mh-2 VARCHAR(10),

    @mha VARCHAR(50)

    SET @mh-2 = '1'

    SET @mha = 'WHERE mhlkot.mhlka_id IN ('+ @mh-2 +')'

    SET @sqlCmd = N'SELECT dbo.SilokE.Fname,, dbo.mhlkot.mhlka

    FROM dbo.SilokE INNER JOIN

    dbo.mhlkot ON dbo.SilokE.mhlka = dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id

    ' + @mha

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlCmd



  • How about using a temp/variable table to hold the values you want in your IN clause and doing away with the sp_executesql completely?

    DECLARE @foo table(mhlka_id int)
    insert into @foo values(1)
    insert into @foo values(2)
    insert into @foo values(3)

    SELECT E.Fname,, M.mhlka, M.mhlka_id
    FROM dbo.SilokE E
    JOIN mhlkot M ON E.mhlka = M.mhlka_id
    JOIN @foo f ON M.mhlka_id = f.mhlka_id

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

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