How can I do a bulk update from Table1 to Table2?

  • I have the following scenario: Table1 has 3 columns (ID,Name,description); and Table2 also has 3 columns (ID,Name,description). I need to update the 'description' field on Table 2 (old data) with the 'description' on Table1 (new data). All records from Table2 exist in Table1

    I tried this but does not work.

    UPDATE Table2 SET

      [Table2].[dbo].[description] = (select [Table1].[dbo].[description])


      [Table2].[dbo].[id] = [Table1].[dbo].[id]


    /   My little brain cannot compute this far...

  • update t2
    set description = t1.description
    from dbo.Table1 t1
    join dbo.Table2 t2
    on =


    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Tim, here is the exact SQL I am using and the error returned:

    update CAT_products

    set DescriptionHTML = t1.[Long_Description_Code]

    from dbo.Product_Detail t1

    join dbo.CAT_products t2

    on t1.modelnumber = t2.productNumber

    Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'DescriptionHTML', table 'dnn3toolservedb.dbo.CAT_Products'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.

    The statement has been terminated.


    P.S. Do you have a relative here in Tampa Florida? My accountant's name is John Wilkinson... Just curios...

  • No, it's a fairly common English name and a brand of razor in Europe.

    Your problem is what the error msg says. You have a null in product_details, but descriptionHTML in CAT_products won't allow NULLs.

    you can use:

    update CAT_products

    set DescriptionHTML = t1.[Long_Description_Code]

    from dbo.Product_Detail t1

    join dbo.CAT_products t2

    on t1.modelnumber = t2.productNumber

    where t1.[Long_Description_Code] is not null

    or if you need to overwrite all the matched records in CAT_products, you can either alter the column to allow nulls (but check for knock-on effects), or use:

    update CAT_products

    set DescriptionHTML = isnull(t1.[Long_Description_Code],'')

    from dbo.Product_Detail t1

    join dbo.CAT_products t2

    on t1.modelnumber = t2.productNumber

    which will set the value to a zero-length string instead of NULL.

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Mr. razor, you are sharp....

    Thank you very much for all your help!

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