Here's the script that I run to check for old processes. It works with both SS 2000 and SS 2008. Appreciate the reminder about new system tables. Will check into it when we get rid of 2000.
,substring( convert(varchar,last_batch,111) ,6 ,5 ) + ' '
+ substring( convert(varchar,last_batch,113) ,13 ,8 )
as LastBatch
,left(convert(sysname, rtrim(loginame)),24) as LoginName
,left(HostName,24) as HostName
,dbid,left(case when dbid = 0 then null
when dbid <> 0 then db_name(dbid) end,24) as DatabaseName
,rtrim(program_name) as ProgramName
from master.dbo.sysprocesses (nolock)
where HostName <> ''
order by last_batch