How can I create a CSV file extract with no column names...

  • Hello I have a query that generates a result set. when i want run the query within ssis, it give me the following error message:

    Error at Data Flow Task [ItemUpdate [1]]: There is a data source column with no name. All data source column must have a name.

    (Microsoft Visual Studio)

    Which means that i have to name a column. is there a way whereby i can still create the required CSV file without a column name?

  • In your Flat File connection manager for the output file just be sure that the Column names in the first data row is unchecked.


  • Hi there

    do you know how i can configure the package to create an incremental file name each time it is dumped into the required locaton?


    file00001, file00002, file00003

  • Off hand, not really. I'd use the connection manager to name the file with a base name, then use a FileSystem task to complete the actual rename of the file. the steps in between to determine the final name of the file, not really sure.


  • thats strange i thought the option of a variable can do that?

  • How is a variable going to retain the last value from the previous run? You have to establish a process that ensures you get the next proper file name.

    I know it can be done, probably using the For Each container combined with the File System Task.

    Unfortunately, I don't have the time work out the exact process that I'd use in this case.


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