How can I convert or cast a string containing some alpha and commas to an integer

  • I need to convert a string that contains values like the following:

    80 beds {could be any text in any position}



    to an Integer

  • Use PatIndex() to look for start of numerics, and subsequent start of non numerics.

    Select PatIndex('%[0-9]%', YourText)   -- Get the 1st numeric character

    Select PatIndex('%[^0-9]%', SubString(YourText, PatIndex('%[0-9]%', YourText) + 1, 999   )  -- Get the 1st non-numeric character after the 1st number


    Only problem will be the numbers with embedded commas - maybe use Replace() to get rid of those 1st, before applying the PatIndex()'s

  • You could also hunt this site for scripts that people have posted that essentially duplicate the VB Split function and return a one-column-wide table of each word in the string.  Then you could select from the table where PatIndex('%[0-9]%', OneColumn) > 0 to get the numeric value.

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • To tell the truth, I would be afraid to do such conversion ... it seems that you can't rely much on what is written in the column. What is 1,504? Is it (approximately) one and half, or one thousand five hundred? Can you be sure that the comma always means the same? What if there is entry like "80 beds model 121" or "model 121 beds, 80 pcs"? What is someone writes ten thousand six hundred like 10 600, while in another row the same has a different meaning, e.g. 600 being part of description and only 10 is amount?

    Well, you should know your DB better than me :-)) maybe I'm overacting, but it really pays to be careful in case of such data manipulation.

    Good luck!

  • "Well, you should know your DB better than me :-)) maybe I'm overacting, but it really pays to be careful in case of such data manipulation."

    No, you're not overacting (or overreacting ,  I very much guess he's never had to deal with data like this, otherwise he wouldn't be posting here...he's be running to the nearest bar to drown his sorrows.

    Tread carefully!  Make sure people understand that the quality of the output is questionable at best; and could blow up your code at worse.  Make sure that you use isnumeric(@Text) to check the validness of integers before trying to insert them into an integer field.  If you have to deal with decimal numbers you're in for even more of a world of hurt...using float datatypes would be only way (and that may cause rounding errors).

    Really, all you can say with this is, "Garbage in, garbage out."  The place for data validation is when the data is captured, and not later down the line.


    Signature is NULL

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