how can i avoid cursor here??

  • Hello All,

    Could you suggest me a simplier way to avoid cursors here as there are millions of rows and cursors would take horrible amount of time.

    i want one acct_num for each group of da

    example of results iam looking for is

    da_id    acct_num

    22            12

    23            30

    24            50

    2500        6666

    /*code for the sample table*/

    create table #temp1 (da_id int, acct_num int pk)

    insert into #temp1 values ('22', '12')

    insert into #temp1 values ('22', '21',)

    insert into #temp1 values ('23', '30')

    insert into #temp1 values ('23', '44')

    insert into #temp1 values ('24', '50')

    insert into #temp1 values ('2500', '6366666')

    insert into #tehek values ('2500', '6666')

    /* I tried this cursor but it would take lots of time for the huge data we have*/

    declare @variable int


    for select distinct da_id from #temp1

    OPEN RDRCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM RDRCursor INTO @variable



    select top 1 (acct_num), da_id from #temp1 where da_id= @variable

    FETCH NEXT FROM RDRCursor INTO @variable


    close RDRCursor

    deallocate RDRCursor

  • Read about SQL aggregates and GROUP BY:

    SELECT da_id, MIN(acct_num) As LowestAcctNum

    FROM #temp

    GROUP BY da_id


  • does it matter which account number you choose if there are two assosiated with a give da_id. if not max(or min) will get you one.

    select max(account_np), da_id from table group by da_id[/url]

  • yep what PW said[/url]

  • Thanks that helped, But in the same lines could you suggest how to get one record per group if the other column is acct_name varchar instead of acct_num.



    create table #temp1 (da_id int, acct_name varchar)

    insert into #temp1 values ('22', 'aa12')

    insert into #temp1 values ('22', 'bb21',)

    insert into #temp1 values ('23', 'cc30')

    insert into #temp1 values ('23', 'dd44')

    insert into #temp1 values ('24', '5dd0')

    insert into #temp1 values ('2500', 'ee6366666')

  • MIN() and MAX() aggregates work with varchar, so the concept is no different.


  • The one difference that may arise if when we have numbers as strings, and we impose 'our' way of how to sort 'numerics strings'.

    declare @x table ( v varchar(10) not null )

    insert @x

    select 'aa2'  union all

    select 'aa13' union all

    select 'aa02'

    select * from @x

    order by v





    select max(v) as maxVal, min(v) as minVal from @x

    maxVal     minVal    

    ---------- ----------

    aa2        aa13

    ...may or may not be the 'right' sortorder, or min/max values.


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