how backup is taken ?????

  • i have couple of servers (symantec servers) which as sql server database ( but no db tool like ssms or anything installed on server). Also database backup is taken everynight and i see in log and drive *.bak created.

    What I can't figure out is:

    1) how that backup is taken. when i checked in log files, it only shows path of the backup storage but doesn't tell me how that backup is created ?

    2) only thing i can think of is it is created and schedule using task scheduler since it is sql express version but i do not see any task doing that.

    Is there away to find out how the back up is taken ?

  • SQL Express doesn't include the SQL agent, so it isn't a database job that takes you backups.

    The Symantec Backup Exec software may be taking the backups according to its schedule. Your DBA or network operations team should be able to answer whatever database backup questions you have.

  • I'm not sure if SQL Server Express Edition has the 'Default Trace' turned on by default or even if it supports event auditing in general. A google search gave no clear answer. However, if the Default Trace is turned on, then the following query may reveal past backup events with details like ApplicationName and LoginName of the process that executed them.

    select as [EventName]













    from sys.fn_trace_gettable(CONVERT(varchar(150), (

    select top 1 f.[value]

    from sys.fn_trace_getinfo(null) f

    where = 2

    )), default) T

    join sys.trace_events TE on T.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id

    join sys.trace_subclass_values v on v.trace_event_id = TE.trace_event_id and v.subclass_value = t.EventSubClass

    where like ('%Backup%') or v.subclass_name like ('%Backup%')

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • BTW, how and why were the additional URL parameters added to my above link?

    Is this something new on SQLServerCentral?

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • I use windows scheduled task to perform backups using SQLCMD in one of my environment. If you are not seeing a scheduled task under Windows scheduler, search in msdb for backup command:

    USE [msdb]







    FROMdbo.sysjobs j

    JOINdbo.sysjobsteps js

    ONjs.job_id = j.job_id

    JOINmaster.dbo.sysservers s

    ONs.srvid = j.originating_server_id

    WHEREjs.command LIKE N'%backup%'

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