How add user start replication agent not SA?

  • I struggle for a while, we have lots replication, and most failed because time out or network connectivity, so I do not like recieved page when replication agent failed, I like turn to our production support team, but I do not like give them SA or assign them as SA, but I have tried lots way, and even I changed some system stored procedure, but user still can not start replication agent from replication monitor, do you have any idea to resolve this?

    Any idea will appreciate

    feifei liu


  • They will not be able to start replication unless they have administrator rights. As an alternative, you could set up the replication agent to start every one minute. That way if the agent fails it will start again and try to replicate. The downside is that this takes some additional resources.

  • What I do is give them a way to insert a row in a table, then I scan the table every x minutes to see which to db's to process. Works for any type of job, not just replication.


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