
  • Hi there,

    i am using SQL Server 2000 and T-sql

    I have a report i want to create which will show me infomation like the following:

    LoginID , Start_Date, End_Date and Total Time

    However all this information is heald in one table but the info comes like this

    LoginID Start_Date End_Date Total Time

    1 12-04-07 00:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 10

    1 12-04-10 01:10:10 12-04-10 00:20:00 30

    2 12-04-07 00:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 10

    2 12-04-07 02:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 10

    2 12-04-07 03:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 10

    3 12-04-07 04:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 10

    Now i would like to see the data like this in a linear fashion:

    'First row' 1 12-04-07 00:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 12-04-10 01:10:10 12-04-10 00:20:00 40

    'Second row' 2 12-04-07 00:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00

    12-04-07 02:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00

    12-04-07 03:10:00 12-04-07 00:20:00 30

    However differnt Loginid will have different Start_Date and End_Date of data in it so some may have 5 rows othere could have ten?

    is this possiable ?

    Thank you


  • i think you should look into pivot operator.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Hi,

    Thanks for ur reply!

    But I am using Sql Server 2000. Is Pivot can be used in Sql Server 2000 as well.


  • Can anybody help me out from this?


  • HI there,

    I'm not sure I understand how you are getting your result?

    Please could you explain a bit more how to construct the new row?


    Show distinct start_dates + All End dates + Sum of total time for that LoginId



    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Hi Chris,

    I wanted the records Group wise(LoginID). Only one row will be generated for one LoginID. Say if i have 3 rows and 4 columns for loginid 2 then one row with 8 columns should be generated.

    my Columns are now like this LoginID DT_Start DT_End total_Time

    They should be generated like this

    LoginID DT_Start1 DT_End1 DT_Start2 DT_End2 DT_Start3 DT_End3 total_Time

    Thanks in Advance


  • gauravw (11/6/2008)


    Thanks for ur reply!

    But I am using Sql Server 2000. Is Pivot can be used in Sql Server 2000 as well.


    No pivot cant be used in sql 2000. I assumed you would be using sql 2005 since you posted in a sql 2005 forum.

    "Keep Trying"

  • No direct command available related to PIVOT in SQL 2000, but you can get it, see the SQL BOL and search "PIVOT Table".

  • Hi guys,

    I ve' developed the solution for the same. it is as follows.

    declare @StartDate DateTime, @EndDate DateTime

    select @StartDate = @DateStart, @EndDate = @DateEnd

    declare @r as bigint, @i as bigint

    select * into #tbl_AgentDnTime from tbl_AgentDnTime

    where (Login_Time between @DateStart and @EndDate) and Logout_Time <= @EndDate

    select @i=1, @r=Max(Total) from ( select LoginID, Count(LoginID) Total from #tbl_AgentDnTime group by LoginID ) a

    --select @r

    select LoginID, Sum(Total_Time) TotalTime into #Report1 from #tbl_AgentDnTime group by LoginID --order by 1

    while @i <= @r


    exec ('alter table #Report1 add Login_Time'+@i+' datetime ')

    exec ('alter table #Report1 add Logout_Time'+@i+' datetime ')

    exec (' update #Report1 set Login_Time'+@i+'=MinDate, Logout_Time'+@i+'=MaxDate

    from #Report1 R join (select LoginID, Min(Login_Time) MinDate, Min(Logout_Time) MaxDate

    from #tbl_AgentDnTime group by LoginID) A

    on R.LoginID= A.LoginID ')

    delete #tbl_AgentDnTime

    from (select LoginID, Min(Login_Time) StartDate --, Min(Dt_End) EndDate

    from #tbl_AgentDnTime A group by LoginID) A

    where #tbl_AgentDnTime.LoginID = A.LoginId and #tbl_AgentDnTime.Login_Time = A.StartDate

    select @i = @i + 1


    select * from #Report1

    drop table #Report1

    drop table #tbl_AgentDnTime

  • Hi there,

    I'm sure there is a set based solution to this which I will try and find.

    But for now here is my solution.

    I left the last part out which is that you just have to delimit your new column into mulitple columns 🙂




    [LoginId] INT,

    [Start_Date] DATETIME,

    [End_Date] DATETIME,

    [Total_Time] INT


    DECLARE @Results TABLE


    [id] INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    [LoginId] INT,

    [New_Field] VARCHAR(MAX),

    [Total_Time] INT


    INSERT INTO @MyTable

    SELECT 1,'12-04-07 00:10:00','12-04-07 00:20:00',10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,'12-04-10 01:10:10','12-04-10 00:20:00',30 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'12-04-07 00:10:00','12-04-07 00:20:00',10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'12-04-07 02:10:00','12-04-07 00:20:00',10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'12-04-07 03:10:00','12-04-07 00:20:00',10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,'12-04-07 04:10:00','12-04-07 00:20:00',10


    DECLARE @loop INT

    DECLARE @loopMax INT



    INSERT INTO @Results



    FROM @MyTable

    GROUP BY LoginID


    @loopMax = MAX(id),

    @loop = 1,

    @String = ''

    FROM @Results

    SELECT @loopMax,@loop,@String

    --Loop for Records

    WHILE (@loop<=@loopMax)


    SELECT @LoginID = LoginId

    FROM @Results

    WHERE id = @Loop

    SELECT @String = @String + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[Start_Date],120) + ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,[End_Date],120) + ','

    FROM @MyTable

    WHERE LoginId = @LoginID

    UPDATE @Results

    SET [New_Field] = @String

    WHERE LoginId = @LoginID

    SET @Loop = @Loop + 1


    SELECT *

    FROM @Results

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

    Posting Best Practices[/url]
    Numbers / Tally Tables[/url]

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for ur solution.


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