
  • Hi!


    Somebody know if Crystal Reports 8 works in Windows 2003 Server?

    Exist some Crystal web service for IIS??


    How make work CR8 in Windows 2003 Server???


  • Bit confused here.  What are you trying to do?

    Why are you trying to use Crystal 8 when the current version is Crystal XI?

    And quite what do you mean by Windows 2003 since this is an operating system not a database?  Crystal interrogates databases as well as text files, Excel spreadsheets, Exchange etc.



    Madame Artois

  • Crystal 8 is not a supported product on Windows 2003. However, some people are probably still going to try to make it work. Depending on which version of Crystal 8, you may be able to get its web service working with IIS. If you're trying to display reports via the web, though, you will want to look into the Active X control.

    You can most likely find the Crystal documentation through the Business Objects website:

    (Having been at a company that was stuck with Crystal 7.5 because of an outdated ERP app, I can tell you that the older documentation is there on that site, but you'll have to use their search to find it.)

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