hours and minutes calculation

  • I have a decimal field for store the hours and minutes 3,30 or 4,15

    I want to do some calculation like total number of hours and minutes .. if I used sum I get a wrong result cause the scale calculated to the 100 not 60, I would like to use MOD but it's not available with MS SQL even Int L


    What is the best way to make such calculation ?


  • This isn't very elegant but it works.  You'll notice that the calculation of @totalmins at the end relies on integer division - related to the MOD function that you are after.

    declare @t1 decimal(9,2)

    declare @t2 decimal(9,2)

    declare @totalsecs int

    declare @totalmins int

    declare @seconds int

    set @t1 = 3.30

    set @t2 = 4.45

    set @totalsecs = (floor(@t1) + floor(@t2)) * 60 + ((@t1 - floor(@t1)) + (@t2 - floor(@t2))) * 100

    set @totalmins = @totalsecs / 60

    set @seconds = @totalsecs - (@totalmins * 60)

    select @totalsecs TotalSeconds, @totalmins Minutes, @seconds Seconds

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Thanks Phil Parkin

    What I am after is achieving that calculation from SQL command, I don’t want to write a program(Stored procedure or function) I want to submit a SQL statement to get the total overtime hours:minutes for each employee .



  • if you change Phil's variables with your table fildes i think you get the right resuls

    for example


    create table dt (hhmm decimal(4,2)

    insert into dt values (3.30)

    insert into dt values (4.45)

    select rtrim(cast(cast((sum(floor(hhmm))* 60 + sum(hhmm - floor(hhmm)) * 100) / 60 as integer) as char(2))) + ':' +

     cast(sum(floor(hhmm)) * 60 + (sum(hhmm - floor(hhmm)) ) * 100 - cast(cast((sum(floor(hhmm))* 60 + sum(hhmm - floor(hhmm)) * 100) / 60 as integer) as char(2)) * 60 as char(2))

    from dt

  • not sure this could be another solution?


    select  cast( sum( cast(left(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , patindex( '%.%', cast(Hours as varchar(10)) )-1) as Int ) + cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int )/60 )  as varchar(10)) + '.' +


       when len ( cast(sum(cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int ))%60 as varchar(2))) = 1 then '0' + cast(sum(cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int ))%60 as varchar(2))

       else cast(sum(cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int ))%60 as varchar(2))


    from Hours





  • Check this out.

    select  cast( sum( cast( left(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , patindex( '%.%', cast(Hours as varchar(10)))-1) as int) )+ sum( cast( right( cast(Hours as varchar(10)),2) as int))/60 as varchar(10))+ '.' +


       when len ( cast(sum(cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int ))%60 as varchar(2))) = 1 then '0' + cast(sum(cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int ))%60 as varchar(2))

       else cast(sum(cast(right(cast(Hours as varchar(10)) , 2) as Int ))%60 as varchar(2))


    from Hours


  • DATEADD(minute,SUM(DATEDIFF(minute,0,CAST(REPLACE(CAST([timecol] as varchar),'.',':') as smalldatetime))),0)

    This will give you datetime value which you can then process, cast or convert as necessary


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Just for clarity; this is modulo in SQL     % 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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