Hotfix .0818 Install fails Return=32

  • Installation Log:

    Replacing file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqldmo.dll with C:\DOCUME~1\userid\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\pft3~tmp\Hotfix1\Files\sqldmo.dll NOW

    Performing no reboot replace of file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqldmo.dll

    Setup failed to copy file : sqldmo.dll, Error code: 32

    INSTALL FAILURE: Hotfix failed to apply the patches on instance MSSQLSERVER, the error code returned was: 32

    <EndFunc Name='DoSQLHotFix' Return='32' GetLastError='32'>

    Error code 32 indicates sqldmo.dll is being used by another process.  Now, the question is how do I find what's using the dll?

  • I've already seen better but this might give you a clue (Super System Helper)

    This software however doesn't seem to let you select a dll and see what process are using it, but only select a process and see what dlls it is using. I hope somebody can find a better link.

    Good luck.

  • Process Explorer from SysInternals will also allow you to do this. It does include the ability to find a particular DLL in use (it's a menu option... shortcut key of CTRL+G).

    Process Explorer

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Found it, it was MOM holding sqldmo.dll.  Thanks for all that replied.


  • This posting just saved us some major heartburn, thanks for posting the fix.

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