HOT -- Multiple SUM, AVG on Multiple rows in an aggregated query

  • Good Day All

    First of all am new here not really familiar with IFCode Shortcuts but will try my best to make it neat

    Im facing difficulties on how to obtain this objective done.

    First of all I have 2 tables namely:

    Accounts -- contains profiles, one account per user

    History -- contains multiple records per account

    Secondly the tools im using

    Microsoft SQL server management studio 2005

    Microsoft visual studio - Business intelligence project for sql projects

    Thirdly the Objective

    1. I would like to return the sum of all transactions per account number per month (Income)

    2. I would also like to return the AVG of all transactions per account number per month (Income Average)

    3. I would like to return the highest cash deposited in excess of the average per account only (excess deposit)

    Take note that here the flag should only be raised once there is a record in excess to the AVG and that transaction should appear in the result but not other transactions.

    Fourth, I have managed to get the sum avg and excess cash deposited for a single account.

    Here is the code that returns a single account, please take note I filtered by account which is what i want to eliminate in order to do it for all accounts.

    Tran code 119 is all the cash deposits

    tran code 101,117,103,100 is your other incomes

    select a.amt 'Excess Deposit', a.description,Name_Customer=b.title_1, b.rim_no 'RSM', a.acct_no as 'Account No', b.acct_type as 'Type', b.branch_no,

    a.tran_code, (select sum(a.amt)

    from history as a

    where a.acct_no IN ('8000611719')

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090130'

    and a.tran_code in (101,117,103,100)) 'Total Income',

    (select avg(a.amt)

    from history as a

    where a.acct_no = '8000611719'

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090130'

    and a.tran_code in (101,117,103,100)) 'Average Income'

    from history as a, account as b

    where a.acct_no = b.acct_no

    and a.acct_type = b.acct_type

    and a.acct_no = '8000611719'

    and a.tran_code in (119)

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090130'

    and a.amt > (select avg(a.amt)

    from history as a

    where a.acct_no = '8000611719'

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090130'

    and a.tran_code in (101,117,103,100))

    Excess Deposit,description,Name_Customer, RSM, Account No, Type ,branch_no, tran_code, Total Income, Average Income

    44157.857142 ,CASH DEP, Academy , 695 ,8000611719, CHK, 70, 119, 338210.000000, 24157.857142

    The next query returns all transactions for that one account including the cash deposit wich is tran code 119

    select a.amt , a.description,Name_Customer=b.title_1, b.rim_no 'RSM', a.acct_no as 'Account No', b.acct_type as 'Type', b.branch_no,


    from history as a, account as b

    where a.acct_no = b.acct_no

    and a.acct_type = b.acct_type

    and a.acct_no = '8000611719'

    and a.tran_code in (119,101,117,103,100)

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090130'

    the next two queries retrieve the sum of a multiple accounts per account and avg, please take note that this is what i want to achieve in the first query i provided above.

    select a.acct_no, sum(a.amt) 'Income'

    from history as a, acct as b

    where a.acct_no = b.acct_no

    and a.acct_type = b.acct_type

    and a.tran_code in (101,117,103,100)

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090103'

    and a.acct_no in ('8000606895','8000617870','8000624128','8000628343','8000634086','8000638428','8000641247','8000641277')

    group by(a.acct_no)

    select a.acct_no, avg(a.amt) 'Average Income'

    from history as a, account as b

    where a.acct_no = b.acct_no

    and a.acct_type = b.acct_type

    and a.tran_code in (101,117,103,100)

    and a.effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090103'

    and a.acct_no in ('8000606895','8000617870','8000624128','8000628343','8000634086','8000638428','8000641247','8000641277')

    group by(a.acct_no)

    acct_no, Average Income

    8000606895, 220087.000000

    8000617870 , 4500.000000

    8000624128 ,1156.425000

    8000628343 ,7150.000000

    8000634086 ,99753.660000

    8000638428 ,2000.000000

    8000641247 ,665.000000

    8000641277 ,1140.000000

    After saying all that, i would like to write a report that will identify all transactions made in excess to the average for every account.

    I cant seem to do it on a multiple of account which is what i want to get, not a single account.

    How do i get the sum, avg per account in the history table?

    In addition i could attach the result pictures but don't know how to.

    Thanks you for your help.

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  • Thanks Stewart "Arturius" Campbell

    My brain is frozen at the moment and cant think any further but will have a look at the code and see if does guide, nevertheless thanks for the prompt help much appreciated.

    I don't see how you are populating the temp tables just created.

    One last thing, is my explanation clear and the objective defined well?


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  • Ok im busy modifying it to accomandate the actual tables, i see you have missed the filter in terms of tran codes but i will add it and get back at you..

    You are almost a star but not quite, 😛 , 😉

    There is a problem with the AVG function, either its not computing the data well or something is weird.

    Herewith a few test I did on a few accounts. Please pay attention to the sum and the average

    if you look closely you can see that some sums are computed for avg, not so sure why as its only the 1st row and the third row that the avg is computed, or is it that cause its the only transaction in the table? this puzzles me

    SELECT acct_no, SUM(amt) AS SumTranAmt

    FROM dp_history_BG

    where effective_dt between '20090101' and '20090103'

    and tran_code in (101,117,103,100)

    and acct_no in ('8000606895','8000617870','8000624128','8000628343','8000634086','8000638428','8000641247','8000641277')

    group by acct_no

    SELECT acct_no, AVG(amt) AS AvgTranAmt

    FROM dp_history_BG

    WHERE effective_dt BETWEEN '20090101' AND '20090103'

    and tran_code in (101,117,103,100)

    and acct_no in ('8000606895','8000617870','8000624128','8000628343','8000634086','8000638428','8000641247','8000641277')

    GROUP BY acct_no


    8000606895 440174.000000

    8000617870 4500.000000

    8000624128 2312.850000

    8000628343 7150.000000

    8000634086 99753.660000

    8000638428 2000.000000

    8000641247 665.000000

    8000641277 1140.000000


    8000606895 220087.000000

    8000617870 4500.000000

    8000624128 1156.425000

    8000628343 7150.000000

    8000634086 99753.660000

    8000638428 2000.000000

    8000641247 665.000000

    8000641277 1140.000000

  • Wow Wow,

    I have made a few changes and added few things to your code and the results are amazing, cant ask for better than this.

    Thank you so much and wish i could pay you.. 🙂

    Here is final code in its test environment. And all i have to do is activate the date variable in the report and im good to go.

    --create table #Accounts (AccountNumber int, AccountName VARCHAR(75));

    --create table #History (AccountNumber int, TransactionAmount money, TransactionDate DATE);


    WITH SumOfTran AS

    (SELECT acct_no, SUM(amt) AS SumTranAmt

    FROM history

    WHERE effective_dt BETWEEN '20090101' AND '20090130'

    and tran_code in (101,117,103,100)

    GROUP BY acct_no),

    AvgOfTran AS

    (SELECT acct_no, AVG(amt) AS AvgTranAmt

    FROM history

    WHERE effective_dt BETWEEN '20090101' AND '20090130'

    and tran_code in (101,117,103,100)

    GROUP BY acct_no),

    ExcessDeposit AS

    (SELECT dp_history_BG.acct_no, MAX(amt) AS ExcessDeposit

    FROM history

    INNER JOIN AvgOfTran ON AvgOfTran.acct_no = history.acct_no

    WHERE effective_dt BETWEEN '20090101' AND '20090130'

    and tran_code in (119)

    GROUP BY history.acct_no, history.amt,AvgOfTran.AvgTranAmt

    HAVING amt > AvgTranAmt)

    SELECT acct.acct_no, --acct.title_1,




    FROM acct

    INNER JOIN SumOfTran ON SumOfTran.acct_no = acct.acct_no

    INNER JOIN AvgOfTran ON AvgOfTran.acct_no = acct.acct_no

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ExcessDeposit ON ExcessDeposit.acct_no = acct.acct_no

    where ExcessDeposit is not NULL

    and SumTranAmt > 0

    and AvgTranAmt > 0

    order by dp_acct_bg.title_1 asc























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  • Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (4/20/2012)

    shani19831 (4/20/2012)

    if you look closely you can see that some sums are computed for avg,...

    Yes, this would be a case of a single transaction meeting the given predicates.

    You are a star... thank you bro.. god bless you

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