hostname and program_name not displayed in Sysprocesses table

  • Hi

    We are using OMNIS 7.3 software to connect sql server 2k. But my problem is master..sysprocesses table not showing hostname and program_name (but its showing nt_domain and nt_username correctly)

    Anyone kindly let me know this is a bug in SQL Server 2000?


    Nagarajan S

  • It must be some missing property in the connection string. What does product documentation say?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • As already stated above : probably these parameters haven't been provided by the connection.

    Some applications use a config or ini file which provide the connection string.


    add key="SQLServerConnectionString" value="Data Source=TheDevServer\Instance01;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

    In this example it is just a regular connection string, so you can modify it with the extra info

    add key="SQLServerConnectionString" value="Data Source=TheDevServer\Instance01;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=This Is my Application Version 0.0.88;"

    Test it before putting it in prod !


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