Honouring the dead in London (Terror attack)

  • Hello,

    The London attacks are regrettable and my prayers go out for the survivors. The sad part is that the UK has allowed London to be a Safe Haven for terrorists and Islamic militants. When we allow evil to flourish in our midst we will reap as we have sown.

    I learned a little about Costa Rica back in the days when I was helping our brave freedom fighters in Nicaragua. CR backed the US to the hilt starting in 1961 when it broke formal relations with Castro's Cuba. They now have a office in Havana but relations are frosty. Costa Rica backed us fully in the Contra matter in Nicaragua. They have good government, enlightened leadership, and live the happy life under the umbrella of Pax Americanus.

    Best wishes,

    Barry O'Connell

  • I meant to keep away from this forum as it is more interesting than work - hence takes up "productive time"!

    However I am intrigued by "UK has allowed London to be a Safe Haven....." - how so ?! How have they allowed "evil to flourish" ?!?!

    As for CR - what is "Pax Americanus" - does it translate to "always stay on the right side of Uncle Sam and no evil will befall you" ?????

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • It's orginating from pax britannia a very popular phrase and not a bad board game..... "or peace is kept by the super power" is the theme...

    But I think that evil never rests.... and reitterate its the lack of social affirmation of the concept of pluralism is that, that is lacking... I do not have spending figures for such an abstract issue, so I could not point at UK being a haven for lack of such, though their liberal immigration policy tends to disprove that.

    Places that might refuse others might create 'cells' or counter cultures of these terrorists in those countries where the imagined offending culture orginates.

    In civ 3, I would just build a Colosseum, and increase happiness spending, but thats just a game, and I wish all confilcts were only sorted out by playing them, rather than making bad decisions on a very bad day.

    wb "sushy"

  • I suspect he is referring to the cack handed implementation of the human rights act. As I understand it, if Sadam Hussein was to enter Britain and argue that he faced the death penalty if left to Iraqi justice then Britain would have a duty to ensure that he was housed and protected.

    Abu Hamsa, the militant "death to westerners" bloke with the hooks, from the Finsbury park mosque receives more state benefits than I receive as a salary as a DBA.

  • Hello,

    England has had a policy of allowing considerable latitude for political refugees. Men have been allowed to publicly side with Al Qaeda even when they are wanted criminals with warrants for their arrest in other countries. Part of what makes the UK great also makes it vulnerable. England is willing to kill Irishmen in their beds because they were IDed as IRA terrorists and then they turn around and allow known terrorists to operate in London. Sheikh Abu Hamza preached for years at the al-Mazri mosque in Finsbury Park, London before the government acted. I have him in my notes at:


    Want to bet that the bombers were in the crowd for some of his Jihad sermons.

    Best wishes,

    Barry O'Connell

  • Well - Tony would first have to fight George if that happens as I'm sure he'd (dubbya ie) want first dibs at meting out appropriate justice...

    Shame about Abu Hamsa - it does rankle and then some...when you see "good things happening to bad people"....

    Barry - the people responsible for 9/11 may be dead but there are enough clones like them around in the U.S....there's no dearth of fanatical zealots here (I've met a couple...) & personally I can't think of any one Justice System that is not flawed or without its' loopholes...Demagogues are plenty (Osama being the most influential) - it's the people they hold sway over that should be taught to rethink...and not in Pakistani madrasas either...

    "If all conflicts could be sorted by playing games..." - Aah! but then Life is never that simple billy

    Poor Jonathan (original poster)....I just reread the bit about his wanting to post this in a "non-political" way...I hope you knew that you were asking the impossible...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Hello,

    I do not want to be too simplistic. This is not a Christian vs. Muslim thing. I have had the pleasure of vacationing in Iran 3 times in the last 14 months. I meet decent God fearing people who are very much like me. The problem is that US foreign policy is playing into the hands of radical Islamists. Our enemies we befriend and those who do us no harm we make enemies. With that being said and since this is a SQL Server site I think I will not respond to this thread at the risk of being a distraction. If anyone has anthing they wish from me on this subject feel free to take it off line at jboc@spongobongo.com

    Best wishes,

    Barry O'Connell

  • so 'decent is only found in the God fearing'

     ..... I do not know where to begin with that one...

    as for foreign policy.. blah...

    individuals are making these choices not db maintenance routines...

    I hate even quoting this but "...Our enemies we befriend and those who do us no harm we make enemies."

    circular logic of that nature cries out for the fear mongering and demonstrates the fear of saying here the problem lies, its not groups ... its the individual making a choice albiet ...a very poor one... again someone who cant read the topic.. anything not about SQL...

    I'd prefer one good effort than a million best wishes anyday...

    I've got to go back to work so I can stop grinding my teeth over drivel...w

  • As a very good and wise Irish catholic friend said to this English protestant. People are stupid f@$%%rs.

  • One of my favorite quotes from Peanuts back in the early 07's. "I love mankind it's people I can't stand." 

    I have to also agree with Voltaire who said something along the lines (forgot the direct quote) of "I disagree with what you say sir but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

    Hate crimes are not limited to a religion, nationality or ethnic group. For within all these groups there are individuals who choose to hate someone because they are different.  With these people I will reason and debate the issues for like myself they have the right to believe what they wish. It is when they decide to act on their beliefs that the problem occurs. Their rights end where my nose begins.

    I am not qualified to debate with those who believe that God has given then a mandate to attack and kill my children or myself. That is an issue they need to discuss with God in person and I will be more than happy to make their travel arrangements.

    The fight against terrorist is the responsibility of every rational person on the planet. Let us honour the dead and protect the living.


  • "I will be more than happy to make their travel arrangements..." - unfortunately these people not only make their own travel arrangements - they also decide to take along as many travel companions as possible - willy nilly at that...

    cavalier attitude aside...well said Mike! You have a standing ovation from me!

    Maybe we should lay this topic to rest now after you have done such a smashing job of being the voice of reasoning! - "honour the dead and protect the living....." - who can argue with that ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • A sort of satanic public transport?

  • Re resting the thread....I agree, I've stated my opinion; deflected those I've felt inane, I 've commisserated, and now I'm ready for closure.


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