Ho to Add Total of Column in a Maxtrix

  • I have a matrix using data from a SELECT statement.  Here is sample:


    create table T

    (Date datetime,

    ID int,

    Type varchar(10))

    insert T values ('07/20/06', 100, 'A')

    insert T values ('07/20/06', 101, 'A')

    insert T values ('07/20/06', 102, 'B')

    insert T values ('07/20/06', 103, 'C')

    insert T values ('07/21/06', 104, 'A')

    insert T values ('07/21/06', 105, 'C')

    insert T values ('07/21/06', 106, 'E')

    insert T values ('07/21/06', 107, 'D')

    insert T values ('07/21/06', 108, 'B')

    insert T values ('07/21/06', 109, 'B')

    Here is the maxtrix:

    The matrix dsiplays a table as below:

    I would like to add a Total for each day, let's say 4 for 7/20 and 6 for 7/21.  I tried to add a group can't find it in layout tab.  Can I do this with a matrix?  Thanks.

  • If you click on the field that you want to have a total on and then right click it will allow you to add a subtotal.



  • Thanks.  I figured a different way.  I right click on column and select add column.  I give it whatever expression then later edit its value to count(Field!ID.Value) then it works but the total cell is right below the column name.  Yours put the total cell at the bottom whick look better.


  • Here is another problem.  If I put the total my way, it is on the top below the column name.  It doesn't look nice but I am able to make it RED.  If I use add a Subtotal per your reply the total is located at the bottom of the column.  Look very nice but I can't make it RED.  The color property affects the row name only.  The whole row is expected RED.  Any idea?  Thanks.


  • If you hover the mouse cursor right over the little green arrow in the upper right corner of the subtotal box and then right click and go to properties you can set the various color properties of the subtotal box seperate from the rest of the grid.




  • Great.  Thanks.

    I misposted the image as I was replying to another post.

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