History actions

  • As I can make a stored procedure to save the transaction in my database.

    I will raise it another way, there is some form of a table stored in the history of actions to be carried out in my database and the user which was carried out such action?

    try to translate what I know, sorry if there are mistakes in English.

    Thank you.

  • If I understand what you are saying, you are looking for an audit trail of what has heppened in your database? There is no log per se. There is a default trace, which has a lot, but it is also limited in size, so the time in which things are stored is relatively short, depending on load.


  • If you want something more advanced you need to build the mechanism yourself. Generally you don't want to log everything, just specific data changes, so it's fairly easy to create log tables and maintain them through the same stored procedures that are performing the data changes.

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