High Volume File Storage Solution

  • Hi,

    I started looking around the web for information in designing a document storage solution. Our initial requirement need the system to deal with around 1000 uploads per day with approximately 1 million subscribers.

    Our systems are exclusively SQL Server 2014 with C#

    The best I have come up with so far is this article: [/url]

    From my point of view, I would have used Azure as a data store and saved the URL into the database, but this is currently not an option as the systems must hold data in country.

  • I think the decision should hinge around the question: Do you need secure document storage, or is this project just for hosting public domain content?

    Azure is good for cloud based business solutions, but if authorized access and encryption is not a requirement, then I would explore the option of hosting the user facing website and document index database in Azure, but I would then suggest hosting the actual file repository separately on a cheap file hosting site where data storage and retreival are much cheaper. If you switch file hosts, then the new URLs can be updated in the document index on Azure. If this is simply a public file repository, then for economic reasons I would not reccomend containing the documents within the database (BLOBS or FileStream) and not even hosting the files with the same service that hosts the database, becuase they charge $$$ for storage and retreival of every MB.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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