High replication latency

  • I'm seeing higher than normal latency in our transactional replication and it seems that all the log readers are sitting with wait types of Repl_Schema_Access...much more so than what we've seen in the past. I've tried to do some research on this wait type, but I've not had much luck yet. Is there anyone familiar with this? Any thoughts on what it might be pointing towards as a holdup?

    Thank you,


  • Hi,

    What is your setup of the replication

    How many publisher

    How many subscriber do you use

    Did you use a distributor-server, or is the distributor on one of the publishers?

    Do you use PUSH or PULL subscriptions?

    I had high latency, because i used only one distribution database for many publications.

    kind regards,


  • I've got 7 publishers sending to 2 different subscribers. There is a combination of push and pull subscriptions running. The distributor itself is a separate server. Currently the latency we see is only on the log reader....distributor to subscriber seems to run well.


  • Hi,

    have you tested the latency with the "insert token" in the replication monitor?

  • Haven't used tokens. I've been checking numbers using sp_replcounters on the publisher and using fn_dblog as well. I've also used the DMV's on the distributor, but it seems to see log reader latency differently than the sp_replcounters does. We tend to be able to tie in latency of the log pretty accurately using fn_dblog and that matches up with the latency seconds in sp_replcounters.

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