Hiding the Report page Header

  • Does anybody know how conditionally hide report page header? I have page header with company logo and report name. User can select “Show Report Header” option to show or hide this header (used visibility property of image and text boxes). But when header is hidden there is empty area above data and I can’t get rid of it. Thanks

  • Can you just change the size of that section?

  • Sorry, Remi, probably I didn't get you but unfortunately there is no such option like conditional size (I regretted already about it). Thanks

  • Strange... it's possible to change that in access (design time, not runtime).

  • I'm probably missing your point, but I just experimented with creating a report Y/N parameter, and then conditionally suppressing the RH (based on the parameter value) and that worked...


  • Nate, thanks for your answer but I didn't get you as Page Header doesn't have visibility property. I mean you can hide separate text boxes (with report name or whatever) or images with logo that are inside page header but in any case space you reserved for header is there. This is the issue- how to get rid of this empty space (or decrease the height to 0) when header parts (text boxes, images) are hidden? Or I didn't get you when you mentioned “...conditionally suppressing the RH "? Thanks

  • You seem to get what he wants. But I don't even know if it's possible to do this at run time...

  • Sorry, a newcomer here.  We're approaching using Reporting Services, but not doing so yet.  I just realized I answered an RS question in terms of what Crystal Reports (9.0) could do.

    context, context...

    (I'll quietly retreat to the corner...and out the side door...)


  • Welcome to the club .

  • As we have a delay with decision I’ll try to rebuild my question in different way: is it possible to show report without Page Header but to export (e.g. to pdf file) with Header? Frankly, I am not sure it’s possible (as report is a snapshot) but probably we can trick this somehow. Thanks

  • Here's a simple idea. For now make 2 version of the report (with/without header), then display/export as required. Then if you ever find a solution for the header, post back here??

  • Thanks, Remi, I definately post a solution in case I'll find it. 

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