December 13, 2006 at 9:36 am
I need to hide page header and footer if user a specific parameter on report, How can I do this or is this possible?
The issue is user don't want header, which contains Logo and Headings, when exported to excel, because this cause Cell Merge and they cannot sort or other manipulation they want to do on Excel.
I tried putting everything in Header into Rectangle Control and hide this rectangle control when user selected this parameter but this didn't work. Only option to make it work for me is to HIDE PAGE HEADER.
I'm using SSRS 2000.
December 14, 2006 at 10:26 am
You have the right approach. There is no way to hide the entire page header/footer programatically. However, you can create a parameter to hide/show the rectangle you've created (and its contents).
1) Create a parameter called "DisplayHeaderFooter"
2) Add Labels "Hide" with value 1, "Show" with value 0
3) In the visibility property for the rectangle create a formula such as: =Parameters!DisplayHeaderFooter.value = 1
When you run the report and choose "Hide" this will hide the rectangle and "Show" it if you choose show. Try it out and let me know if this helps. Good Luck!
December 14, 2006 at 11:36 am
That is exactly what i did, and it work.
But what I want is to hide Header completely like if you unselect Page Header from Report Properties.
What happening is when there is a place holder for header on report and you export it to Excel, excel messed up and merge several columns together which prevents users to sort or manipulate data on spreadsheet.
Anyways thanks for your reply.
If anyone else have any other idea, please share.
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