Hide the unnecessary databases

  • Hi,

    I try to hide the unnecessary databases in the listBox in sql query analyser (above) and in view “Object browser”. I know that it is possible but how to make that?

    Could you help me?

    Thank in advance.


  • What databases are you tring to hide? As long as you don't grant the user to access the database, the database will not appear in the object browser. One exception is to master and tempdb databases which will list in object browser because there is a guest user in these two database by default. The guest user account allows a login without a user account to access a database.

  • It seems easy, but it is not case on my database. Perhaps I do a bad manipulation somewhere. I create a user by the enterprise manager and I give no grant for server role and just give the owner access for pub database. But when I try to connect with this user, in sql query analyser(object browser and listbox) shows all databases on the server. not only pub !!!

    Ex I would like to hide the Northind and to show pub database.

    Perhaps are there a config about that ?(sp_configure, registery, …..)

  • There must be 'guest' user in your databases. If you do have it, remove it from user database but not from master and tempdb. Document what you are going to change before you remove it, in case you have other issues later.

  • Thank i understand now sorry

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