Hide Parameters list when viewing report

  • Hi,

    I have designed an report in report server, wherein I have set the dataset to one of the stored procedures that i have, which has 4 parameters. 2 of them accept integers and 2 of them accept datetime values.

    1) Now when I design and report and run the report, I get all these 4 parameters list displayed above the report ready to accept values. How can I suppress this? Because from my front end (.aspx page), I am showing the report by passing the values in URL.

    2) Also all these 4 parameters accept null values and have specified this in the stored procedure, but i am not able to generate report by passing null values. How do I do this.

    Note: I am using Report Server and i am storing all my reports in the server.

    Can anyone please help me on these two problems.



  • Hi Sudhakara,

    IIRC in the report designer you can set a parameter as "hidden" which will stop it showing up. I'm not sure about the NULL stuff but you can set default values for parameters as well.

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Check Allow Null, Allow Blank and Hidden Checkboxes in your Report Parameters window. This should suppress your Report Parameters getting displayed. Coming to not able to generate a report with NULL values, check if your stored procedure returns any data without sending the parameters? If your SP is returning data and you have mapped the fields correctly in your rdl, you should be able to generate the report.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • you have to say to the report that beforehand when it is shown, 

    automticly the parameters will be hidden

  • In the report parameters screen, Prompt proterties should be nothing. This will solve your problem.

  • If none of the above works. I have found that by going to the xml and putting an empty space between prompt tags you can effectively hide that parameter while leaving other parameters visible to the user. The trick to this is to build the report from there because if you go back to designer view , you will get an error.

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for the valuable replies. That worked !!! Bingo!!!.

    Thank you once again.



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