
  •  what is the difference between clustered and non clustered index

  • Hello Vamsi,

    It would be better if you study the information provided in Books Online

    Clustured indexes, architecture

    nonclustered indexes, architecture



  • The clustered index defines the native physical order of the data on the disk. Consequently, there can be only one clustered index on each table. All other indexes on a table are non-clustered.

  • Think of a phone book.  The clustered index is the way the data is stored.  There is no difference between the data and the clustered index, the index is the data.  That's why there can be only one per table.

    In the case of a phone book, it's on the last name of the person

    The nonclustered index, is the additional index at the back of a phone book which lists things according to their types, like doctors numbers, emergency services that kind of thing.  so there could be more than one of these and they are additional to the data.

    you could have no index, in which case you'd have a 'heap' which would be like tossing all the phone numbers into a box on scraps of paper.


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