help!!!!!!!!getting time out expired"

  • Sir,

    I am new to this site.

    Technology Used

    1.Front End-:Visual Basic 6.0

    2.Back End-:MS-SQL 2000

    3.ADO 2.5

    4.MDAC 7.0

    There are 100 use per site.There are 15 sites. which are connected through Lease Line.The server is located now at rremote location.

    Now due to it we are getting errors in software like "TIME OUT EXPIRED" often and on.

    What it could be ...

    The connection is without DSN no ODBC used for it.

    and please let me know connection time out is in MILISECONDS or seconds.

    I hope you will look into the matter and waiting for your favourable reply and guidance


    Chirag Parekh.

  • There is nothing wrong with the components you're using to access your sql server, we use the same basic setup with hundreds of users.  The time out expired problem is most likely because of things like poorly written queries, lack of stored procedures, inadequate hardware, etc.

    If you can run the software locally, you need to be looking at things like performance monitoring.

    For the heck of it, I would certainly upgrade the ADO and MDAC to whatever MS's latest is.  Just turn on Windows updates.  ADO is up to 2.9 or so, and there have been a lot of enhancements, especially in security since your version was written.


    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • I wouldn't be so quick to judge this on poor equipment or queries.  While it may very well be the case, there are many times data needs to be aggregated and massaged before being returned to the client.

    That said, what is the command timeout set at in your VB6 code?  By default, ADO's timeout is 15 seconds.  Try increasing this to 30 or 60 seconds to relieve your problem.  If you're using a new server, rebuild the indexes and stats to ensure some more effective execution plans.

    Hope this helps,


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