September 29, 2009 at 7:58 am
While updating the view is an interesting addition, it does not necessarily prove anything in regards to the 3 part update. Your examples use only a 2 part update. I tested this view creation/2 part update method (ordered by acct, ndt) against the unindexed 2 million row result set. Here are the results.
2 Part Update method on View Created from Unindexed data
(2000000 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Update Done. Time Elapsed: 264 seconds
(64425 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Select to Table Done. Total Time Elapsed: 266 seconds
(1 row(s) affected)
Final Row Count, Two Part Update Method:64425
While the correct results are returned, the speed of the update is gone. I also tested the same code on the original result set which had a clustered index of ndt, acct (opposite of what is needed). The results are what I expected.
2 Part Update method on View Created from data with a different clustered index
(2000000 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Update Done. Time Elapsed: 43 seconds
(1780556 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Select to Table Done. Total Time Elapsed: 48 seconds
(1 row(s) affected)
Final Row Count, Two Part Update Method:1780556
Note that this is the result set that the original tests ran against(albeit with a different clustered index), and should have produced 64202 records. The reason it produced so many more is because it fell back to using a clustered index update, not the order by specified in the view. I've attached the execution plan for the last test, but I modified teh base scripts several times and don't have all the backing on this one. (Don't have time at the moment to re-run all of these and produce execution plans/scripts/test data setups, but may be able to later if you'd like to see it.)
September 29, 2009 at 6:05 pm
Dave Ballantyne (9/29/2009)
Garadin (9/28/2009)
Also, if you decide not to take Jeff's word for it and want to test this yourself, make sure you don't insert the data in the exact order it needs to be in.
In my little test scripts i did post the data in a 'random' order and then created the clustered index so it was in a different order. 🙂
Anyway Jeff , im sure you've been there done it and got the T-Shirt 😀 and look forward to your completed document , but , i really am struggling to get incorrect results. Ive scaled up by test to be on adventureworks and no matter what order or filtering i use then my Cte-Quirky update returns the same as my 'control' cursor. Must get on with some 'real' work now 😉
Drop table #Balance
drop table #CurBalance
drop index Sales.SalesOrderHeader.idxOrderDate
create index idxOrderDate on Sales.SalesOrderHeader(Orderdate) include(SalesOrderId,SalesPersonId,subtotal,taxamt,freight)
create index idxSalesPerson on Sales.SalesOrderHeader(SalesPersonId) include(SalesOrderId,OrderDate,subtotal,taxamt,freight)
Create Table #Balance(
SalesOrderId integer,
RollingBalance money
Create Table #CurBalance(
SalesOrderId integer,
RollingBalance money
insert into #Balance(SalesOrderId,RollingBalance)
select SalesOrderID,NULL
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
join Sales.SalesPerson SP
on SP.SalesPersonID = SOH.SalesPersonID
join Sales.SalesTerritory ST
on St.TerritoryID = SP.TerritoryID
where OrderDate between '01jan03' and '01may03'
-- and SOH.SalesPersonID in(276 ,277)
-- CountryRegionCode = 'CA'
order by OrderDate, SOH.SalesPersonID
--order by SOH.SalesPersonID ,OrderDate
--Order by st.TerritoryID,OrderDate
--Order by st.CountryRegionCode,OrderDate
Declare @OrderYear integer,
@OrderMonth integer,
@SalesPersonId integer,
@TerritoryId integer,
@CountryRegionCode char(2),
@RollingBalance money
Select @OrderYear = 0
Select @OrderMonth = 0
Select @RollingBalance = 0
Select @SalesPersonId =0
;with cteValue(SalesOrderId,OrderDate,SalesPersonId, TotalDue ,RollingBalance,TerritoryID , CountryRegionCode)
select top 99999999999 SOH.SalesOrderID,OrderDate,SOH.SalesPersonID,TotalDue,RollingBalance, SP.TerritoryID,CountryRegionCode
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
join Sales.SalesPerson SP
on SP.SalesPersonID = SOH.SalesPersonID
join Sales.SalesTerritory ST
on St.TerritoryID = SP.TerritoryID
join #Balance
on #Balance.SalesOrderId = SOH.SalesOrderID
where OrderDate between '01jan03' and '01may03'
-- and SOH.SalesPersonID in(276 ,277)
-- CountryRegionCode ='CA'
--order by OrderDate, SOH.SalesPersonID
order by SOH.SalesPersonID ,OrderDate
--Order by st.TerritoryID,OrderDate
-- Order by st.CountryRegionCode,OrderDate
update cteValue
set @RollingBalance = case when @SalesPersonId <> cteValue.SalesPersonId or
@OrderMonth <> DATEPART(mm,OrderDate) or
@OrderYear <> DATEPART(yy,OrderDate) or
@TerritoryId <> TerritoryId
then TotalDue
else @RollingBalance +TotalDue end,
RollingBalance = @RollingBalance,
@OrderYear = DATEPART(yy,OrderDate),
@OrderMonth = DATEPART(mm,OrderDate),
@SalesPersonId = cteValue.SalesPersonId,
@TerritoryId = cteValue.TerritoryID,
@CountryRegionCode = cteValue.CountryRegionCode
Declare @OrderYear integer,
@OrderMonth integer,
@SalesPersonId integer,
@TerritoryId integer,
@CountryRegionCode char(2),
@RollingBalance money,
@PrevOrderYear integer,
@PrevOrderMonth integer,
@PrevSalesPersonId integer,
@PrevTerritoryId integer,
@PrevCountryRegionCode char(2),
@SalesOrderId integer,
@OrderDate datetime,
@TotalDue money
Select @OrderYear = 0,
@OrderMonth = 0,
@RollingBalance = 0,
@SalesPersonId =0,
@PrevOrderYear = 0,
@PrevOrderMonth = 0,
@PrevSalesPersonId =0,
@PrevTerritoryId =0,
declare balancecur cursor for
select SOH.SalesOrderID,OrderDate,SOH.SalesPersonID,TotalDue, SP.TerritoryID,CountryRegionCode
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
join Sales.SalesPerson SP
on SP.SalesPersonID = SOH.SalesPersonID
join Sales.SalesTerritory ST
on St.TerritoryID = SP.TerritoryID
where OrderDate between '01jan03' and '01may03'
--and SOH.SalesPersonID in(276 ,277)
--CountryRegionCode ='CA'
--order by OrderDate, SOH.SalesPersonID
order by SOH.SalesPersonID ,OrderDate
--Order by st.TerritoryID,OrderDate
--Order by st.CountryRegionCode,OrderDate
open balancecur
while(0=0) begin
fetch next from balancecur into @SalesOrderId,@OrderDate,@SalesPersonId,@TotalDue,@TerritoryId,@CountryRegionCode
if(@@FETCH_STATUS<>0) break
Select @OrderMonth = DATEPART(mm,@OrderDate),
@OrderYear = DATEPART(yy,@OrderDate)
if( @OrderMonth <> @PrevOrderMonth or
@OrderYear <> @PrevOrderYear or
@TerritoryId <> @PrevTerritoryId or
@CountryRegionCode <> @PrevCountryRegionCode or
@SalesPersonId <> @PrevSalesPersonId
) begin
Select @RollingBalance = 0,
@PrevOrderMonth = @OrderMonth,
@PrevOrderYear = @OrderYear,
@PrevSalesPersonId = @SalesPersonId,
@PrevCountryRegionCode = @CountryRegionCode ,
@PrevTerritoryId = @TerritoryId
Select @RollingBalance = @RollingBalance + @TotalDue
insert into #CurBalance(SalesOrderId,RollingBalance)
close balancecur
deallocate balancecur
select COUNT(*) from #CurBalance
select COUNT(*) from #Balance
select COUNT(*) from #CurBalance join #Balance
on #CurBalance.SalesOrderId = #Balance.SalesOrderId
and #CurBalance.RollingBalance= #Balance.RollingBalance
I'm not sure why you think I have the time to read that much undocumented code to try to figure out what results you're actually expecting.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
September 29, 2009 at 7:21 pm
Ok... despite what I said about the length of undocumented code, I actually did take the time to check it out because of the importance of the concept. And, I ran the code and as you pointed out, the running balances work correctly. That's part of the problem that I'm talking about... for small numbers of rows, it frequently appears to work correctly. The problem occurs if you get a "merry-go-round" index which is an index that starts somewhere in the middle and wraps around to the beginning after hitting the end.
However, I'm always willing to learn new things. See if you can make an "ordered update" using a CTE work on the following. Please see the note in the code that says "Add any indexes you want here...". If you can make it work without error in the running balance, then I guess I'll need to revisit some things concerning a running balance. Thanks.
Create the test table with a non-clustered Primary Key and a separate clustered index
This code has been tested in SQL Server 2000 and 2005.
--===== Do this testing in a nice, "safe" place that everyone has
--===== If the test table already exists, drop it in case we need to rerun.
-- The 3 part naming is overkill, but prevents accidents on real tables.
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.TransactionDetail') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE TempDB.dbo.TransactionDetail
--===== Create the test table (TransactionDetail) with a NON clustered PK
CREATE TABLE dbo.TransactionDetail
TransactionDetailID INT IDENTITY(1,1),
AccountID INT,
Amount MONEY,
AccountRunningTotal MONEY --Running total across each account
-- Add any indexes you want here... before the data population below
Populate the table using a rather slow method but one that's sure to cause lots of
Page splits and that will fragment the table with over 99% fragmentation.
--===== Preset the environment for appearance and speed
--===== Populate the table in "segments" to force page splits.
-- Normally this would NOT have a While loop in it.
WHILE (ISNULL(IDENT_CURRENT('TransactionDetail'),0)) < 1000000
INSERT INTO dbo.TransactionDetail
(Date, AccountID, Amount)
--10 years worth of dates with times from 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2009
--Just one AccountID
275 AS AccountID,
--Dollar amounts from -99.99 to + 99.99
CAST(CHECKSUM(NEWID())%10000 /100.0 AS MONEY) AS Amount
FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1
CROSS JOIN Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2
--===== Verify the row count
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.TransactionDetail
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
September 29, 2009 at 9:39 pm
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX TransactionDetail_AccountDate ON dbo.TransactionDetail(AccountID, [Date])
DECLARE @AccountID INT, @AccountRunningTotal MONEY
SET @AccountRunningTotal = AccountRunningTotal
= Amount + CASE
WHEN @AccountID = AccountID
THEN @AccountRunningTotal
@AccountID = AccountID
FROM dbo.TransactionDetail T
WITH (INDEX (TransactionDetail_AccountDate)) -- Forcing following the order in the index
SELECT * FROM dbo.TransactionDetail
ORDER BY AccountID, [Date]
Worked for me...
Code for TallyGenerator
September 30, 2009 at 3:42 am
Apologies for the big lump of code before , kind of obvious that everyone else hasn't gone through the same process i have to reach that point.
Just to recap.
The two things that bother me about the quirky updates are:
1) The clustered index is required in the order the update is to happen.
2) The additional column that is also required.
These may be impractical for any variety of reasons.
What i have attempted to do is use a cte / view to attempt to solve these issues.
In the case of issue 1 then a cte is used to join to a temp table to hold the running total and both issues use the ordering within a cte to resolve issue 2.
Its a fail big time (only tested with 2005 9.00.4207.00 (X64) ) but it may spark a fresh idea with someone else
The below code contains 4 Tests , Test 1 attempts to solve issues 1 and 2, and the others attempt to solve problem 1 in isolation.
Test 1 fails , 2 and 3 pass but 4 fails because the clustered index update that seth was seeing in his attempt of using a view.
Create the test table with a non-clustered Primary Key and a separate clustered index
This code has been tested in SQL Server 2000 and 2005.
--===== Do this testing in a nice, "safe" place that everyone has
--===== If the test table already exists, drop it in case we need to rerun.
-- The 3 part naming is overkill, but prevents accidents on real tables.
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.TransactionDetail') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE TempDB.dbo.TransactionDetail
--===== Create the test table (TransactionDetail) with a NON clustered PK
CREATE TABLE dbo.TransactionDetail
TransactionDetailID INT IDENTITY(1,1),
AccountID INT,
Amount MONEY,
AccountRunningTotal MONEY --Running total across each account
-- Add any indexes you want here... before the data population below
Populate the table using a rather slow method but one that's sure to cause lots of
Page splits and that will fragment the table with over 99% fragmentation.
--===== Preset the environment for appearance and speed
--===== Populate the table in "segments" to force page splits.
-- Normally this would NOT have a While loop in it.
WHILE (ISNULL(IDENT_CURRENT('TransactionDetail'),0)) < 1000000
INSERT INTO dbo.TransactionDetail
(Date, AccountID, Amount)
--10 years worth of dates with times from 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2009
--Just one AccountID
275 AS AccountID,
--Dollar amounts from -99.99 to + 99.99
CAST(CHECKSUM(NEWID())%10000 /100.0 AS MONEY) AS Amount
FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1
CROSS JOIN Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2
--===== Verify the row count
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.TransactionDetail
-- GOALS -- A) Find a quirky update method not reliant upon having a clustered index in the required order
-- B) Find a quirky update method not reliant upon having a extra column on the base table - MultiUser issues
-- Build the control running totals using a cursor for comparison
Drop table #CurTransactionRunningTot
Create Table #CurTransactionRunningTot(
TransactionDetailId integer not null,
RunningTotal money not null
Declare @JulianDate integer,
@PrevJulianDate integer,
@Amount money,
@RunningTotal Money,
@TransactionDetailId integer
Select @PrevJulianDate = -1
Declare CursorControl Cursor for
Select TransactionDetailId,convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date)),Amount
from TransactionDetail
order by Date,TransactionDetailID
open CursorControl
while(0=0) begin
Fetch next from CursorControl into @TransactionDetailId,@JulianDate,@Amount
if(@@Fetch_Status <>0) break
If(@JulianDate <> @PrevJulianDate) begin
Select @PrevJulianDate = @JulianDate
Select @RunningTotal =0
select @RunningTotal = @RunningTotal+@Amount
Insert into #CurTransactionRunningTot(TransactionDetailId,RunningTotal)
close CursorControl
Deallocate CursorControl
-- Create a temp table to hold running values - Negates the requirement for the
-- AccountRunningTotal on TransactionDetail
drop table #TransactionRunningTot
Create Table #TransactionRunningTot(
TransactionDetailId integer,
RunningTotal money
insert into #TransactionRunningTot(TransactionDetailId,RunningTotal)
Select TransactionDetailId,null
from TransactionDetail
/* Note that top 999999999..... is used as top 100 percent within a cte ignores any ordering */
with cteName(Name)
select top 100 percent name from sysobjects order by name
Select * from ctename -- Fails to order correctly
with cteName(Name)
select top 9999999 name from sysobjects order by name
Select * from ctename -- orders correctly
/* TEST 1 - No Indexes - Running total on Date using a temptable to hold results*/
/* For informational purposes only , does fail to update in correct order - im guessing due to the hashmatch after the sorting - Check query plan*/
Declare @JulianDate integer
Declare @RunningTotal Money
Select @JulianDate = -1,
@RunningTotal = 0;
with cteValues(TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,RunningTotal)
Select top 999999999999999999 TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,
from TransactionDetail join #TransactionRunningTot on
TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId = #TransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId
order by Date,TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId
update cteValues
set @RunningTotal =Case when @JulianDate <> convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date)) then Amount else @RunningTotal+Amount end,
RunningTotal = @RunningTotal,
@JulianDate = convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date))
/* TEST 1 - Results */
/* RowCounts first */
Select count(*) from #CurTransactionRunningTot
Select count(*) from #TransactionRunningTot
Select count(*)
from #CurTransactionRunningTot
join #TransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = #TransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal = #TransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal
/* TEST 2 - No Indexes - Running total on Date - Updating base table */
update TransactionDetail set AccountRunningTotal=NULL
Declare @JulianDate integer
Declare @RunningTotal Money
Select @JulianDate = -1,
@RunningTotal = 0;
with cteValues(TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,RunningTotal)
Select top 999999999999999999 TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,AccountRunningTotal
from TransactionDetail
order by Date,TransactionDetailID
update cteValues
set @RunningTotal =Case when @JulianDate <> convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date)) then Amount else @RunningTotal+Amount end,
RunningTotal = @RunningTotal,
@JulianDate = convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date))
/* Select Rows that dont match */
/* PASS */
Select *
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal <> TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
order by date
/* Select count of Rows that do match */
Select count(*)
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal = TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
/* TEST 3 - Update with nc-index on date */
create index idxDate on TransactionDetail(Date)
update TransactionDetail set AccountRunningTotal=NULL
Declare @JulianDate integer
Declare @RunningTotal Money
Select @JulianDate = -1,
@RunningTotal = 0;
with cteValues(TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,RunningTotal)
Select top 999999999999999999 TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,AccountRunningTotal
from TransactionDetail
order by Date,TransactionDetailID
update cteValues
set @RunningTotal =Case when @JulianDate <> convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date)) then Amount else @RunningTotal+Amount end,
RunningTotal = @RunningTotal,
@JulianDate = convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date))
/* Select Rows that dont match */
Select *
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal <> TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
order by date
/* Select count of Rows that do match */
Select count(*)
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal = TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
Drop index TransactionDetail.idxDate
/* TEST 3 - Update with clustered-index on date */
create clustered index idxDate on TransactionDetail(Date)
update TransactionDetail set AccountRunningTotal=NULL
Declare @JulianDate integer
Declare @RunningTotal Money
Select @JulianDate = -1,
@RunningTotal = 0;
with cteValues(TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,RunningTotal)
Select top 999999999999999999 TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,AccountRunningTotal
from TransactionDetail
order by Date,TransactionDetailID
update cteValues
set @RunningTotal =Case when @JulianDate <> convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date)) then Amount else @RunningTotal+Amount end,
RunningTotal = @RunningTotal,
@JulianDate = convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date))
/* Select Rows that dont match */
Select *
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal <> TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
order by date
/* Select Rows that do match */
Select count(*)
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal = TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
Drop index TransactionDetail.idxDate
/* TEST 4 - Update with clustered-index on Amount */
create clustered index idxAmount on TransactionDetail(Amount)
update TransactionDetail set AccountRunningTotal=NULL
Declare @JulianDate integer
Declare @RunningTotal Money
Select @JulianDate = -1,
@RunningTotal = 0;
with cteValues(TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,RunningTotal)
Select top 999999999999999999 TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailId,Date,AccountID,Amount,AccountRunningTotal
from TransactionDetail
order by Date,TransactionDetailID
update cteValues
set @RunningTotal =Case when @JulianDate <> convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date)) then Amount else @RunningTotal+Amount end,
RunningTotal = @RunningTotal,
@JulianDate = convert(integer,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,Date))
/* Select Rows that dont match */
Select *
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal <> TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
order by date
/* Select Rows that do match */
Select count(*)
from TransactionDetail
join #CurTransactionRunningTot
on #CurTransactionRunningTot.TransactionDetailId = TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
and #CurTransactionRunningTot.RunningTotal = TransactionDetail.AccountRunningTotal
September 30, 2009 at 6:27 am
Very cool... Thanks. I'll take a look at the code.
The two things that bother me about the quirky updates are:
1) The clustered index is required in the order the update is to happen.
2) The additional column that is also required.
Yes, they bother me as well and I wish MS would fix the SUM() function to work the same as ROW_NUMBER() so we don't need to do this and we could do it in a view... but then it wouldn't be so much fun. 😀
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
September 30, 2009 at 7:24 am
Jeff Moden (9/30/2009)
Very cool... Thanks. I'll take a look at the code.The two things that bother me about the quirky updates are:
1) The clustered index is required in the order the update is to happen.
2) The additional column that is also required.
Yes, they bother me as well and I wish MS would fix the SUM() function to work the same as ROW_NUMBER() so we don't need to do this and we could do it in a view... but then it wouldn't be so much fun. 😀
Even if they did, not all the uses for this would go away. A lot of the things involving dates / complex conditions would still employ it.
September 30, 2009 at 8:29 am
Man, do I agree with that... even if they solve the running total problem, previous row problems will likely never go away.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
September 30, 2009 at 12:58 pm
Right, the real failing isn't the language syntax, so much as it is what the optimizer does with it. We all know how to write a Running Total using even only ANSI Standard SQL that's been around forever:
t1.TransactionDate ,
( SELECT SUM(Amount)
FROM TransactionDetail t2
WHERE t2.AccountID = t2.AccountID
AND t2.TransactionDate <= t1.TransactionDate
) AS AccountRunningTotal
FROM dbo.TransactionDetail t1
ORDER BY t1.AccountID, t1.TransactionDate
The real problem is that the optimizer chooses to implement this with a Triangular Join query plan ( O(n^2) ), apparently because it fails to recognize that this could be accomplished much more efficiently with a Stream Aggregate query plan. All that [font="Courier New"]SUM(..) OVER(ORDER BY ..)[/font] would do for us is to make it easy for the optimizer to figure this out. But if it were smarter, then it wouldn't need these extra syntactical aids, it would figure it out anyway.
[font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc. [/font][font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]
October 1, 2009 at 1:54 am
Just for completeness, quirky merge goes out of order to...
create table #TransTest(
InsOrder integer identity,
TransactionDetailId integer null,
Test integer null,
RunningTotal money null
create index #idxtest on #TransTest(TransactionDetailId)
delete from #TransTest
declare @test-2 integer,
@RunningTotal money,
@Date date
select @test-2 = 0,
@RunningTotal = 0,
@Date = '19990101'
insert into #TransTest(TransactionDetailId)
SELECT top 99999999999 TransactionDetailId
from TransactionDetail
where cast(date as Date)='2009-12-31' order by date,TransactionDetailId
MERGE #TransTest target
USING (SELECT top 99999999999 TransactionDetailId,date,Amount,rDate=cast(date as Date)
from TransactionDetail
where cast(date as Date)='2009-12-31' order by date,TransactionDetailId)
AS source (TransactionDetailId,date,amount,rdate)
ON (target.TransactionDetailId= source.TransactionDetailId)
when matched then update
set @test-2 = coalesce(@Test +1,0),
@RunningTotal = case when @Date <> cast(source.rdate as date) then Amount else @RunningTotal+source.Amount end,
@Date =source.rdate,
target.Test = coalesce(@Test,0),
target.RunningTotal = coalesce(@RunningTotal,0);
select * from #TransTest join TransactionDetail on #TransTest.TransactionDetailId= TransactionDetail.TransactionDetailID
order by Date,#TransTest.TransactionDetailID
October 1, 2009 at 9:32 am
Test 1 fails , 2 and 3 pass but 4 fails because the clustered index update that seth was seeing in his attempt of using a view.
Heh... I ran your code, Dave. Thanks for the comments in the code. Some of the verification code has an ambiguous column error in it because of the non aliased column in ORDER BY but the easy fix was to just not include the ORDER BY so no problem there.
Admittedly, I've not looked at Seth's view attempt but I just can't imagine why anyone would add a clustered index to the Amount column. It would slow down both inserts and selects because most folks won't be sorting on it nor selecting on it alone. It does, however, demonstrate that it destroys the ORDER BY of the UPDATE CTE and that's important also because I just can't imagine having a million row heap.
So far as test 2 and 3 go, I hadn't intended to do a "grouped" running total by date because I wanted to show what happens over the entire million rows... unlike test 2 and 3, it will sometimes fail. I'm writing the code for that test right now... it won't always fail but once is enough.
Also, there are two schools of thought on whether or not to include a running total column in the original table. I agree that it would make it a pain to run concurrent running total code, but that normally wouldn't happen... normally it would be a single nightly job. The other thing that could happen is that the design of the "insert new data" process could be entirely RBAR in fashion where the running total for each row is calculated when each new row is inserted. That would be ok for a low number of transactions but would be a real killer when trying to add batches from ACH's (automatic clearing houses) as banks do every day.
As a side bar, I've found that it's actually faster to copy the required data for a given account to a temp table, add the clustered index, and display the data than either a cursor or and ordered CTE. In fact, you can also add verification code on top of all that and it's still faster than either mostly owing to the fact that you do have the proper index to do so.
Anyway... I'll be back with the code for tests 2 and 3 soon.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
Viewing 11 posts - 61 through 70 (of 70 total)
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