Help woth DTS and CSV importing.

  • OK first off Im NOT A DBA. Our group manages the Altiris infrastructure for our company and on occasion we need to do mild DBA-like work and this is one of those times.

    I have a csv file thats created by an automated report generation for a piece of software our company runs, the csv CANNOT be changed as that would require getting the apps developer to modify their code. Well the issue I have is that I cant find the correct Column Delimiter for the CSV import and I have no idea how to figure this out. When I open the csv in notepad there appears to be a line break but Ive tried all the standard paragraph/line break characters with no luck. The data looks like this.







    So of of course I have...

    File Type = Ansi

    Row Delimeter = Comma

    Text qualifier = Double Quote

    and I have first row as column names checked and skip rows set to zero.

    ...but for the life of me I cant get the darn column delimiter set. Is there a utility I can run against the csv to determine what type of column delimiter it has? Is it possible it doesnt have one even though excel and notepad read th eline break just fine? Is there a list of common column delimiters out there so I can just try them all?

    Thanks for the help.

    edit: sorry for the mispelling in the title.

  • Hi,

    Is it case of mistaken terminology? The comma is the column delimiter and the carriage return/line feed is the row delimiter.



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  • Adrian Nichols (3/12/2008)


    Is it case of mistaken terminology? The comma is the column delimiter and the carriage return/line feed is the row delimiter.


    Thanks for the quick response. Its quite certain I may be using incorrect terminology so I took a screenshoot of the portion I am becoming hung up on, along with the error message.

    Image here

  • Me again,

    I think I've recreated the problem with the data you pasted...

    I believe your problem lies on the Select File Format screen where you've put:

    Row Delimeter = Comma

    Try the following settings:

    File Type: ANSI

    Row Delimiter: {CR}{LF}

    Text Qualifier: Double Quote {"}



    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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  • Try the following settings:

    File Type: ANSI

    Row Delimiter: {CR}{LF}

    Text Qualifier: Double Quote {"}


    That worked perfectly, thanks for the help!

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