help with the query

  • Hi All,

    I have an employee table,log table and material table with the following structure. From User Id and To user Id from Log table exists in employee table as userID

    Log Table

    Id From User Id To User ID LogID date

    1 12 14 1 12/23/16

    2 16 18 2 12/15/2016

    3 23 25 6 05/23/2015

    4 28 29 7 12/23/2014

    employee table

    userID First name last name Full Name

    12 Test1 Test2 Test1Test2

    16 Test3 Test6 Test1Test6

    28 Test5 Test5

    23 Test6 Test5 Test6Test5

    I have another table called Materials that Serial # and LogId

    LogId Serail #

    1 123-786

    2 675-342

    5 789-324

    6 344-000

    7 Q123-564

    In the final query, I want to get

    FullName of From User ID | Full Name of To User ID| Serail # |date |

    any help will be appreciated. I really need help with this. Do I need to give any additional details.

  • This seems like a pretty straight forward query. Can you show us what you've tried and where you are stuck?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • As John said above, this looks pretty straight-forward

    I will give you some hints to get you started though

    1. Have a look at INNER JOIN's and LEFT OUTER JOIN's in BOL or Google and use one of these in the below steps as required

    2. Perform a JOIN between Log Table and employee table to get FullName of From User ID

    3. Perform another JOIN between the same set of tables to get FullName of To User ID

    4. Perform a JOIN between Log Table and Materials to get the Serial #

    Let us know if you have any troubles in following the steps and we will be glad to help.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • You have without duplicate data use union...,If you want with duplicate use union all......

    select * from (select * from log_table where from_user_id in (select userid from employee_table)


    select * from log_table where to_user_id in (select userid from employee_table)) a where logid in (select logid from materials_table)

    if any problem..,mail to id

  • Bala,

    user wants to produce the results of below fields

    FullName of From User ID | Full Name of To User ID| Serail # |date |

    your query will not produce proper results.

    Durai Nagarajan

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