help with the procedure

  • Hi all I am writing a procedure, which looks like this!

    CREATE procedure  TTT (@TID bigint) AS



             , , S.amount , A.Tray, XXX  


    FROM         S INNER JOIN

                         A ON S.ID = A.[id]

    inner JOIN

                          T on A.[id] = T.order_id

         WHERE    (Tech_ID = @TID) AND (S.Status = 'I') OR

       (Tech_ID = @TID) AND (S.Status = 'R')

    ORDER  BY  A.[id] desc

    --- I need to insert this in the place of  XXX  --

    select  top 1(color)from T,A

    where A.[id] = T.order_id

    group by color        order by count(color) desc

    My table T looks like this

    order_id color

    11  aaa 

    11  aaa

    11  bb

    11  cc

    12  zzz

    12  zzz

    12  vv


    so, when there is 11, then it should select 'aaa', when 12 then 'zzz'

    how can do that? any help will be appreciated.

  • Apart from the apparent logical problems of your database design (T apparently has no key and hence allows duplicates) you could use the query as a derived table. 

    Note, however that the TOP operator will not reliably return any given color value, it would simply return the first value that is found so to speak.  So if order 12 included the 'aaa' color, you might get 'aaa' returned for order 11, but 'zzz' would still be returned for order 12, depending on any indexes that exist and/or the order in which the rows were inserted.  If you included an ORDER BY clause you could exercise a bit more control over which color was returned.


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • sorry..............  forgot to add order by

    select  top 1(color)from T,A

    where A.[id] = T.order_id

    group by color order by count(color) desc

  • This should work.  I tried testing it with my own data, so it is hard to know what is in your tables....  I do have difficulty understanding the OR; I have put a comment on that line...


    SELECT,, S.amount, A.Tray, TColor.Color

    FROM S

         INNER JOIN A ON( S.[id] = A.[id])

         INNER JOIN T ON( A.[id] = T.order_id)

         INNER JOIN ( SELECT TOP 1 Color, OrderID

                              FROM T

                              GROUP BY Color, OrderID

                              ORDER BY COUNT( Color) DESC) TColor

             ON( A.[id] = TColor.OrderID)

    WHERE( Tech_ID = @TID)

      AND( S.Status = 'I')

      OR( Tech_ID = @TID) -- why is this repeated as an OR ? 

      AND( S.Status = 'R')

    ORDER BY A.[id] DESC

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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