help with table variable and cursor - stored proc never ends

  • I have a stored proc that is the datasource for a reporting services report.

    Unfortunately, when I run the sp, it runs continuously and I can't figure out why.

    Here is the stored proc:


    CREATE  Procedure rpt_BidSummary

     @SelectednLogSaleUID int


    /*  create table variable  */

    DECLARE @BidSummaryTable TABLE


     nLogSaleUID int,

     cLogSaleName varchar(200),

     cSpeciesName varchar(100),

     cSortName varchar(50),

     nOrder int,

     cCustomerName varchar(200),

     cDestinationName varchar(200),

     dBidMBF bit,

     mTLC money,

     grossMBF money,

     netMBF money,

     Winner int,

     Rank int


    /*  insert bids into table variable  */

    INSERT INTO @BidSummaryTable


                          TOP 100 PERCENT LS.nLogSaleUID, LS.cLogSaleName, Sp.cSpeciesName, So.cSortName, So.nOrder, C.cCustomerName, D.cDestinationName,

                          BSD.dBidMBF, BSD.mTLC, ISNULL(BSD.dBidMBF, 0) * (CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND BSen.bWinner = 1)

                          THEN BSenD.dNewMBF ELSE LSSD.dVolMBF END) AS grossMBF, ISNULL(BSD.dBidMBF, 0) * (CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND

                          BSen.bWinner = 1) THEN BSenD.dNewMBF ELSE LSSD.dVolMBF END) - ISNULL(BSD.mTLC, 0) AS netMBF, 

                          MAX((CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND BSen.bWinner = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS Winner, 0 AS Rank

    FROM         dbo.BidScenarioDetail BSenD INNER JOIN

                          dbo.BidScenario BSen ON BSenD.nBidScenarioUID = BSen.nBidScenarioUID RIGHT OUTER JOIN

                          PBCommon.dbo.Sort So INNER JOIN

                          dbo.BidSpecies BS INNER JOIN

                          dbo.LogSaleSpeciesDetail LSSD INNER JOIN

                          dbo.LogSaleSpecies LSS ON LSSD.nLogSaleSpeciesUID = LSS.nLogSaleSpeciesUID AND LSSD.nLogSaleSpeciesUID = LSS.nLogSaleSpeciesUID AND

                          LSSD.nLogSaleSpeciesUID = LSS.nLogSaleSpeciesUID AND LSSD.nLogSaleSpeciesUID = LSS.nLogSaleSpeciesUID AND

                          LSSD.nLogSaleSpeciesUID = LSS.nLogSaleSpeciesUID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.LogSale LS INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Bids B ON LS.nLogSaleUID = B.nLogSaleUID ON LSS.nLogSaleUid = LS.nLogSaleUID INNER JOIN

                          dbo.BidSpeciesDetail BSD ON LSSD.nLogSaleSpeciesDetailUID = BSD.nLogSaleSpeciesDetailUID ON BS.nBidUID = B.nBidUID AND

                          BS.nBidSpeciesUID = BSD.nBidSpeciesUID INNER JOIN

                          PBCommon.dbo.Species Sp ON Sp.nSpeciesUID = BS.nSpeciesUID ON So.nSortUID = BSD.nSortUID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          PBCommon.dbo.Customer C ON B.nCustomerUID = C.nCustomerUID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          PBCommon.dbo.Destination D ON B.nDestinationUID = D.nDestinationUID ON BSenD.nBidSpeciesDetailUID = BSD.nBidSpeciesDetailUID

    GROUP BY LS.nLogSaleUID, LS.cLogSaleName, Sp.cSpeciesName, So.cSortName, So.nOrder, C.cCustomerName, D.cDestinationName, BSD.dBidMBF,

                          BSD.mTLC, ISNULL(BSD.dBidMBF, 0) * (CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND BSen.bWinner = 1) THEN BSenD.dNewMBF ELSE LSSD.dVolMBF END),

                          ISNULL(BSD.dBidMBF, 0) * (CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND BSen.bWinner = 1) THEN BSenD.dNewMBF ELSE LSSD.dVolMBF END)

                          - ISNULL(BSD.mTLC, 0)

    HAVING      (LS.nLogSaleUID = 12) AND (BSD.dBidMBF > 0)

    ORDER BY LS.cLogSaleName, Sp.cSpeciesName, So.nOrder, MAX((CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND BSen.bWinner = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) DESC,

                          ISNULL(BSD.dBidMBF, 0) * (CASE WHEN (BSenD.bwinner = 1 AND BSen.bWinner = 1) THEN BSenD.dNewMBF ELSE LSSD.dVolMBF END)

                          - ISNULL(BSD.mTLC, 0) DESC

    /*  declare and set rank variable  */

    Declare @myRank int

    set @myRank=1

    /*  declare sortorder variable for looping thru species sorts  */

    Declare @mySortorder int

    /*  create field variables  */

    Declare @nLogSaleUID int

    Declare @cLogSaleName varchar(200)

    Declare @cSpeciesName varchar(100)

    Declare @cSortName varchar(50)

    Declare @nOrder int

    Declare @cCustomerName varchar(200)

    Declare @cDestinationName varchar(200)

    Declare @dBidMBF bit

    Declare @mTLC money

    Declare @grossMBF money

    Declare @netMBF money

    Declare @Winner int

    Declare @Rank int

    /* declare and open cursor for @BidSummaryTable  */

    Declare myCursor cursor



    Select * from @BidSummaryTable

    For update of Rank

    Open myCursor

    /*  fetch the first row  */

    Fetch From myCursor into














    /*  get the value of the first sortorder and assign to temp variable */

    set @mySortorder = @nOrder

    While @@Fetch_Status =0   /*  keep fetching rows until their aren't anymore to fetch  */


     /*  update the rank per sort  */

     While @mySortorder = @nOrder and @@Fetch_Status =0


      Update @BidSummaryTable

       set rank= @myRank /*  update the rank  */ 

       where current of myCursor


      set @myRank=@myRank+1   /*  add one to the rank  */

      /*  fetch the next row and insert into the cursor  */

      Fetch Next from myCursor  into















     set @mySortorder = @mySortorder + 1 /*  add one to the sortorder  */

     set @myRank=1    /*  reset the rank variable for the next sort  */


    /*  close and deallocate cursor  */

    close myCursor

    Deallocate myCursor

    Select * from @BidSummaryTable



    I can run to the line: While @@Fetch_Status =0  and then select @BidSummaryTable and get results so I know the table variable is working.  It seems like something is wrong with the cursor, but I have another stored proc with the same structure that works great.
    I know that cursors are frowned upon these days, but if anyone has any hints or suggestions, my ears/eyes are open.
    Also, if the working stored proc or a copy of the db would be helpful, just let me know.
    Thanks, Megan
  • >>While @@Fetch_Status =0   /*  keep fetching rows until their aren't anymore to fetch  */

    You aren't doing anything inside the loop to change @@Fetch_Status. Therefore infinite loop. Need a Fetch within the loop.

    There's also a pretty good chance you can do this set-based and drop the cursor completely.

  • What about this statement?

    /*  fetch the next row and insert into the cursor  */

      Fetch Next from myCursor  into














    I'll look into that further, thanks for the pointer.

    Do you have any suggestions for doing this set-based?

    Thanks again, Megan

  • Sorry, let me rephrase that:

    >>While @mySortorder = @nOrder and @@Fetch_Status =0

    You have an outer loop based on @@Fetch_Status =0 but your Fetch is inside another conditional statement.

    What happens if @mySortorder does not equal @nOrder while @@Fetch_Status is still zero ? You have an infinite loop then, because the inner loop won't execute, but the Fetch is inside the inner loop.

    As for set-based ... what exactly are you trying to do with this data ?



  • Basically, I just want to "rank" or give a row number per sort.

    I rank into some info on rank and ended up removing all of the cursor stuff and replacing with:

    /*  declare and set start variable for ranking */

    declare @Start int 

    select @Start = 0

    /*  declare order id variable */

    declare @Order int

    /*  create temp table to hold current available order ids */

    select distinct nOrder into #BSDtemp from @BidSummaryTable

    /*  update rank field with rank based on sortorder  */

    update t1 set @Start = Rank = case when t1.nOrder = @Order then @Start + 1 else 1 end,@Order = t2.nOrder

    from @BidSummaryTable t1 join #BSDtemp t2 on t1.nOrder = t2.nOrder 

    /*  drop temp table */

    drop table #BSDtemp

    Which is just a million times slicker.

    Thanks for trying to help. Serves me right for trying to use cursors.


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